Question about details of leaving China
Apr 8, 2018 00:54

I have been working in China for 3 years. I have decided to relocate after this year and want to collect my pension upon leaving. I also want to go to Beijing for 2 weeks after I finish my contract. So, my residence permit expires 6/30. I want to stay in Beijing until 7/13. My company said they will extend my residence permit by one month to allow me to stay during this time, however I am wondering how this would affect my ability to collect my pension. Can the company cancel my FEC and still allow me to stay? I am confused about this procedure.

Also, since I have worked in 2 cities in China (Shanghai and Nanjing), I have been told that I will need to travel back to Nanjing to collect my pension. Do I need to get my old company to fill out a form to give to the Social Security Bureau or is the one from my current company good? Thank you for any help!
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