Moving to China, sending personal item in advance???
May 3, 2018 18:15
guestBlondie Hi everybody, I'm new to the forum. Nice to be here.

Main situation:
I will be moving to Changsha, Hunan Province with a new organization. I also know some very good friends there, and was thinking about sending a large package in-advance to one of my friends there, so that I may reduce my check-in luggage fees and have less items to carry with me on my trip to China. I also plan to take a two to three day trip to Hong Kong first to take care of some personal matters there, then continue to Changsha.

Question 1: I am shipping a personal item, it is already packed in its individual box and foam packaging, it is not heavy (12 kg), but its a fairly large package, and I plan to ship it by US Postal Mail, which is the most affordable from my residence in the States.
Can I do this with a "$0.00" value customs since the item is used, and personal? Or will I still be required to list a minimum customs value on the forms? If so, how would I coordinate any additional "proof of invoice" of the item to my friend in Changsha if she is receiving the item? Or should I list the item a very low customs value?

Question 2: Does China Customs still need a copy or physical invoice of my item, although it is two years used and is for personal use (electronic item for guitar)? If so, will my friend need a copy of this item receipt? And what if I no longer have the purchase receipt of this item with me, then what should I do? ...list as "gift"?

Note: I've had this item with me before when I was in China last year, and the item is originally purchased online from the States when I was still in China;it was purchased brand new and shipped to my residence in China, at the time.

But now I'm currently in the States, and I will be moving back to China, again, and was wondering is there anything I need to tell my friend in Changsha, so that she will be prepared to "properly" identify herself and to "properly" pick up the package without any delays or hold-ups???

I prefer not to sell the item before leaving, and prefer to keep the item as much as possible since it is something that cannot be replaced easily.

I would greatly appreciate the advise or any experiences on this type of situation. I've never would've guessed that I would be returning to China, due to other circumstances.

Again, thank you in advance to anyone that has experience on this sort of thing.

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