Invitation letter, F Visa, address change during stay?
May 31, 2018 00:26
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I have a friend who will provide accommodation during my stay in China. They will prepare an invitation letter, however they're currently in a different city than the one I will arrive and depart in. Their new address is unknown, they have a friend that they could stay at there and provide that address, but are considering to rent their own apartment. If they used the friends address, but moved during my stay, the date of the move and new address would be unknown during my visa application, is this ok? Can I notify an authority like the police station about my address changing, or will this be a problem?

How can I handle it with the invitation letter? I'd like to visit some other friends in nearby cities as well, but I'm not sure who will be available or when, so it's another detail that isn't possible to detail in the invitation letter. Is it possible to do this or must I request they visit me?
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