Hi, just wondering if I could get some advice on some questions please.
I am a University student applying for an X1 visa. These are the following questions on the China Visa Application form which I am stuck on:
1.16: It has options for postgraduate or college, or other.
I am currently in University and have just completed my second year but obviously haven't graduated yet. What would I put for this?
1.17: Employer/school
Would I list my university?
I also am going back to work this summer, but it hasn't been formalised yet so I don't feel like I can put down an employer. So could I list my university?
1.21: Email
Does it matter if I put a different email on the visa application than the one I listen when making my visa appointment?
2.2: Intended number of entries:
Given I am applying for an X1 visa, I have heard that I cannot tick multiple entries, as after 30 days of being in China I can convert it into a residence permit which will allow me to have multiple entries..Is that right?
2.3: Are you applying for the express service?
What does this mean? And is it worth doing? I'm so worried my visa application will be rejected and that I won't get another appointment in time if I do this form wrong.
2.5: Longest intended stay
Can I put a rough number, or does it have to be exact?
2.6: Itinerary in China (in time sequence)
Can I list the University I will be staying with as an address, or does it have to be the exact address of my uni accommodation apartments?
2.8: Information of Inviter in China
Does this have to be a person?
I'm pretty sure I was invited by the university, so can I list them under name?
But then what would I put when it says "Relationship with the applicant"?
Also, I was wondering how strict are they with the photo that they require at the visa appointment?
It says it recommends getting it professionally done, but I want to avoid additional costs and feel I could just take a photo with my phone as long as it meets requirements?
Any help is appreciated,
I understand that some of these questions must seem really obvious,
But this is my first time doing anything like this and I want to get it right to avoid delays.
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