China visa application after overstay
Jul 16, 2020 13:31
guest17190 There is a question on the Chinese visa application form regarding overstaying any previous visas. In 2019, I got a visa for about 4 months and it was multiple entry (because I was taking many trips to Hong Kong) but I was only allowed to enter China until August 21st (according to the visa). However, I took a trip to Hong Kong and re-entered China after August 21st and the security at the border told me nothing, they just let me in. So when I was finally leaving China at the airport about a week later in Guangzhou, I was held back by security at the airport and they took photocopies of my passport and let me leave. They didn't say anything else.

My question is: Should I say that I overstayed my visa in China because of this? It was an honest mistake where I did not check the date carefully enough and I entered China after the time I was permitted to enter.

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