Returning to China with children originally from there
Aug 16, 2005 00:43
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  • Join Date: Aug 16, 2005
  • Status: offline
My wife and I are planning a visit to China next summer to include Changsha. Both our girls, 8 and 10 years old, were born in China and adopted as infants. We have tried to keep them aware and happy about their roots. This will be the first trip back to China for any of us since we went to bring them home. Obviously it will be a completely different experience. Last time we were concentrated on connecting our family. We want this to be an exciting, special, and meaningful experience for them. Any advice about must see things to do (historic, cultural and nature), how the girls can feel what life would have been like to have grown up there, official connections with the social welfare agency, or anything else would be greatly appreciated. We hope they will connect with the unique beauty and offerings of their original home and understand what makes their original communities exactly what they are.

We want them to enjoy this experience so much it will set the stage for travel throughout their lives - and possibly a family move to China for a time at some point. We are not fussy, "ugly American" types - before parenting we have traveled widely trying to experience how others live, so we don't just want to know about the "comfortable" things to do and see. We want to create experiences that will help our girls learn respect and appreciation and wonder. I will be posting this message to the Nanchang community as well, but if you have ideas for while we are in Changsha specifically and Hunan in general please communicate. Thanks! Scott
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