JABAROOTOO's Travel Tips

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The South Bank 2
JABAROOTOO | Chongqing | 9/28/2005 9:21:57 AM

NAN’AN DISTRICT South of the river

See Part 1 for how to get here

On arrival in Long Men Hao, Nan’an you have two choices. Second Choice

Climbing the Mountain
The first stop on the way to Nan shan is Yi Ke Shu or One Tree Hill, a good night viewing platform. Just a little further up the hill you’ll find the Lao Jun Dong Temple. From here you can enter by the back gate and walk back down through this large temple complex via loads of steps to the entrance and then more stairs down to the Shang Xin Jie near the cable car.

Turning left at the intersection at the top of the hill, follow the road up to the Golden Eagle (Jin Jing), built since the war to celebrate the liberation of China. It’s the only spot that gives you a 360° ‘bird’s eye’ view not only of Chongqing but west over the Changjiang. It is situated in a park with an entrance (Y12) on the north side of the ridge and as you descend the south side you’ll pass through another lovely park, which has accommodation available. You can leave by the front gate of this second park and a short walk down the road to the left will bring you to some restaurants and the bus terminus.

There are numerous parks and gardens on Nan Shan but will leave them for another time.
How to get there
You have several options from Shang Xin Jie. Bus 384, take a taxi, or a mini van taxi Y5 pp or a motor bike Y10 per bike( will take two pillions for Y10). This is my preferred option on a clear day.
On your return from Jin Jing, catch the bus and get off at Shang Xin Jie and walk down to cable car for return trip across the river. Y2 each way. You can also negotiate for un-metered cars near the cable car, which is good value if there are more than two of you. They were asking Y10 for a Y6/7 taxi so be wary if you decide to hire one for ride to Nan Shan.

Airport Shuttle Bus Service
JABAROOTOO | Beijing | 9/26/2005 12:27:47 AM

This is the Beijing Capital Airport Shuttle Bus Service website with details of bus routes, destinations, times and prices.


All airports throughout China offer Shuttle Bus Services to the towntown, either to the CAAC office or similar downtown locaton in each city.

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