A memorable trip to Niangziguan Pass

Written by Mar 31, 2010 03:54
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Niangziguan Pass, originally called Weizeguan Pass, is located to the northeast of Pingding county in Yangquan City in Shanxi Province. The Shanxi People regard it as the symbol of its province. I took the train no.D2062 from Taiyuan at 11:06 and got off at Yangquan about half an hour later. From the railway station, I took a taxi to Yangquan Bus Station; the mini-bus to Niangziguan Pass was ready to leave when I got there.

The bus drove right up to the entrance of Niangziguan Pass Scenic Area. The ticket cost CNY 12. The statue of the Prince Pingyang was rightly stood behind Sujiang Tower. The stone-paved road was very slippery after rain. The repaired city wall was hidden in the mist. A small white cloud crowned the summit of the mountain far away. The scenery was like an enchanting picture of the world of the immortals. I walked carefully along a steep stone stairs built along the mountain. Up there, it was the city wall of Niangziguan Pass. I strolled on it for a few minutes, only impressed by its smallness compared to the famous Badaling Great Wall. I took several pictures of it and descended from the wall.

Walked along the path and insensibly, I reached the ticket examiner. I asked the gateman whether the waterfall could be reached from the road ahead. He gave me a definite answer. The road led to an old tree-lined street where many ancient houses were kept on the two sides. In front of the houses, visitors could buy some souvenirs home such as marked stones and walnuts. The limpid spring splashed and gurgled beside the road, reminding a sight of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River. Walking by the brook, one would feel quite comfortable and satisfied.

Walked about 15 minutes later, I arrived at the honored courtyard in Niangziguan Village – Shui Shang Ren Jia (House above Water). The owner elaborately decorated it into an elegant courtyard. The vines, small bridge, mountain rock and running water formed a delightful contrast. The key selling point was an ancient water mill which produced the native product – the powder of the burning incense. The old hydropower could still create more wealth for its owner.

Walking along the main road, ten minutes later, I fell across a board written "Pu Bu (waterfall)". An ordinary ticket office burst into view after several steps. Learning the introduction, I finally realized it was the local famous Niangziguan Waterfall. The sound of the waterfall could be heard in the distance. I purchased the ticket and entered the scenic area. The waterfall rushed down from a 20-meters tall cliff. There was a cave in the cliff named "Water curtain Cave". It's a bit strange that the waterfall was very clear but the river below it appeared in grey. Opposite the waterfall, there was a platform where visitors could have the whole view of the Niangziguan Waterfall. Truly a beautiful picture it was!

It was getting late and I had to say Goodbye to Niangziguan Pass. Took a local taxi and I returned to Yangquan Bus Station. From there I backtracked to Taiyuan.

Niangziguan Pass, Shanxi


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