The true 919 bus

Written by Mar 29, 2010 21:53
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I just came back from Badaling Great Wall. Here I'm not gonna say the feeling of this travel, but I'd like to add some tips of how to take bus 919. Hope my real experience will help you avoid detours.

I took the Subway Line 2 and got off at Jishuitan Station. Walking eastward and arrived at Deshengmen Gate ten minutes later. As soon as I reached there, a group of people immediately surrounded me and asked whether I was going to Badaling. After got a positive reply, they pulled me to a platform to wait bus 919. They said a single trip for one person cost 40 kuai and a round trip for two persons cost 160 kuai by bus 919. It was too expensive and I was better to go by their minibus. I refused because they were not looking like the public transportation.

I continued to walk westward to another platform which was also marked with 919 sign. A man wearing uniform was keeping order. Having heard my query, he answered like the previous, "Only 919 branch line goes to Badaling and it is very expensive. You'd better take the small buses." I still did not believe him and walked around the square to find the real bus 919.

Finally I saw a long line of people waiting at a station to the north of Deshengmen Gate. I asked the ticket price from the personnel there. 12 kuai, yes it was! I got on the bus and about one hour later arrived at the wall.

I felt lucky that my trip has not been ruined by the fake 919 bus. I'd like to share it with my fellow travelers. Wish everybody a good trip!

This is the real 919 bus!

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