Traps at the foot of Badaling

Written by Apr 2, 2010 03:40
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I've been wanting for a long time to visit Badaling Great Wall. I thought the trip would be very memorable. At last, it was but not for the bright side but due to the traps.

Here I omit the course of climbing up and down on the wall. I was so tired that my legs were wobbling after descended from the top. When I just got my breath, two women came right up to me. One passed me a card which was written "brave man" and said, "Go with me, we have prepared souvenirs for you." And the other woman added, "Please sign your name here." I asked why and she also insisted for some souvenirs. I signed my name on the card. After a few steps, I saw a woman doing something like a certificate. I stopped asking her, "Is it charged?" She still buried in her work. I asked again and she whispered, "Only for 30 kuai for the cost of material."

I got into a huff, "You said sending me the souvenir! Send! Not sell! This is a trick! I don't want it." She flared up, "What are you joking about? It is finished already so you must take it!" I bristled with fury, "I just won't, and what do you want with me?" At this point, four or five men, drew around, seeming didn't want to give up that easily. I shouted, "What do you want? Freeze or I'll call the police!" Probably feared my shouting would draw the other visitors' attention, one of them told to his companion quietly, "Stop it and let her go!"

I was breathless with indignation. Their behavior had seriously blackened the Great Wall. If I knew it earlier, I'd rather not go there. The Great Wall is the symbol of China, especially the Badaling Section. I hope the relevant department could do something to stop such disgraceful conduct and make sure that visitor can have a happy end on the wall!

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