Rainbow in Yunnan

Written by Nov 12, 2004 16:11
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rainbow three times!

The wonderland of Yunnan has been said enough. So I will omit the places of interests or whatever. I watched rainbow in northern Yunnan three times!!! The promise from God with Noah. Havenot seen rainbow for almost 3 years. The previous one was in the States, the year 911 occurred. And the other time I saw rainbow out of bus when a gardener watered flowers in Guangzhou.

Another thing I am interested in is there is a home church in remote mountain in Deqin in the north of Yunnan. About one or two hundred Lisu people worship in a hall every Sunday. Some of them have to walk two or three hours climbing mountains and crossing rivers. One type of Lisu written language was first created by a missionary, which is still popular in Lisu Christians. This written language patterns after Latin alphabets. The letter “A” in Lisu language is A written upside down. In the church, men and women sit in different sides. Women wrap blue headbands or wear blue caps.

The mountains offer plenty of peaches, apples and walnuts. The Lisu people feel it humble to collect those products and sell them though they are not so well off. The products taste very delicious—pure green products.

Hope this is helpful to whoever is interested in local culture.

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