customer service at Nanning airport

Written by Mr. TURNER Feb 4, 2013 16:29
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Customer service at Nanning airport seems to be non existent. I was given a gift from brother in law, a judge in China, it was a ceremonial dagger, we had just checked our bags in when they had us come back to open our bag, when they found the dagger in my checked bag they took it away and broke off the blade portion without explanation or the chance to simply put it back into my brother in law's car. My brother in law was livid, he was ready to take a swing at the security guard, remember my brother in law is a judge and he knows the laws in China. they gave us back the dagger without the blade but the damage was done. We would not have had access to the dagger inside the airplane and we were flying to another city inside China.

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Comments (1)


Feb 5, 2013 03:30 Reply

Mr.4354 said:

They had no right to take your dagger away from your checked bag. But no one is allowed to bring dagger, knife, blade, nail clipper etc on plane. If you were found out, you would be detained for 5 to 15 days.

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