China against The World
Nov 20, 2005 02:15
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Yeah, and calling all Japanese as animals was just a crazy funny joke....

I cant stop laughing;-(
Nov 20, 2005 06:00
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You won't be laughing if your loved ones are killed at the bridge on the River Kwai, The rape of Nanjing or the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Remember the "comfort women?"

Laugh all you can, my friend!!

And laugh at all the sufferings then and now when the Americans bombed Nagasaki & Hiroshima in 1945. Thats how the 2nd World War ended.

Many Japanese today still bear the scars and lived the horrors of the bombings. Similarly, many Asians also suffered at the hands of Japanese Imperial Army.

They are the aggressors. They deserved to be bombed. To call them animals is being kind to them. They deserve to be called something worse.

Like I said, you don't live through the horrors. You only read it in the books. You can laugh for you are nothing but a reader and a bystander!!
Nov 20, 2005 07:34
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Hey, we just called them animals. The USAmericans went ahead and bombed them and have killed thousands since.
Wait till your loved ones are raped, tortured and murdered. Then let's see whether you can be so relax about it.
Nov 20, 2005 07:45
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Both of you clones should get a history book and read where the main battlefieds of WWII were, but I guess that is far behind your narrowminded horizon....
I wont share my families losses with some blind little kids without any clue about history nor common sense.
Grow up, kids;-)

PS: reading could help you;-) Especially something else than propaganda leaflets....
Nov 20, 2005 08:07
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ELcarbon, I think u are getting a bit personal. Is there a problem ?
We happen to think and feel alike because we are Asians and people in our country suffered under the Japanese too. I bet there are many Chinese here who feel the same way like us - just that they do not wish to express it like us. And you better stop your condescending attitude/talks of yours.
Since you wanna be personal, let me tell u that if I could, I would give you a tight slap right now. Hahaa !!!
Nov 20, 2005 08:14
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Im quite sure that nobody with a healthy mental state would "not wish to express it like" you.

And let me tell u that if you would try to slap me right now, you would regret it, believe me;-)

Haha - hoho - huhu.....whatever.
Nov 20, 2005 08:16
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Hahaha, what a guy you are, Elcarbon. I must take my hat off to you !!
Nov 20, 2005 09:20
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Would be good enough if you just think before talking.
Nov 20, 2005 19:00
  • GAZ07
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Don't think anybody really accused Gireeshak of anything. It was done in jest and Gireeshak himself accepts the fun graciously. This is part of the fun and spirit

Dear Gireeshaks - How do we people behave well to each other when you talk about Chinese treating your Indian friend badly. I'm sure you make up this story. You condemn chinese with one bad incident. Be more diplomatic when you are in a "enemy" territory.

Perhaps, Pinetree, you were using a completely different TCG than the rest of us. I think the fact Gireeshaks took this comment graciously tells us what a pleasent person he is.

Anyway, to my point, it seems from the reply above and the reply to my Beijin '08 post that you take any criticism of perfect China very badly. Especially as you request all posts to be about China. Both mentioned posts are NOT attacks on China, but simple questions which you have taken the wrong way.
Nov 20, 2005 19:45
  • GAZ07
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apologies for spelling your name wrongly. For some reason it reminds me of To Kill A Mockingbird, a great book i read in school.
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