Salary expectation
Feb 7, 2006 21:38
  • HYSU
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I have been offered a salary of 2500-3000 US dollars/month from an MNC in china. The work location could be in Tianjin or Xiamen. Please help me if this salary should be ok. What else should I negotiate with the company. Please help
Feb 7, 2006 22:03
with that amount of salary in China. You can easily live better than most of American:)
Feb 7, 2006 22:17
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Its a good thing they pay you well. They don't want to get monkeys by paying peanuts. What is there to negotiate when you did not even say if you are a CEO or what?
Feb 7, 2006 22:31
  • MAY001
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Why did u use offensive sentence to answer the question? He did nothing to u, right? Stop doing such things!
Feb 7, 2006 22:36
excuse me? What did I say offensive?
Feb 7, 2006 22:40
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Yeah..excuse me!! If you mean me..

There is a english saying : If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

Everybody doing recruitment knows this. Nothing offensive. You are ignorant of this phrase. I don't blame you.
Feb 7, 2006 22:42
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it is very good salary for chinese you live in high level than many of them.
Feb 7, 2006 23:45
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Snowbird is right. The salary amount means nothing without telling us what job Hysu is being offered. The question asked was meaningless.
Feb 8, 2006 07:21
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Generally speaking, a monthly salary of us$2500-3000 is very luxurious by Chinese standard. However you will be an expatriate and probably u expect to live in a reasonably luxurious apartment and maintain a reasonably high quality living there. If that's the case, then it may not be sufficient - it all depends on your own lifestyle.
On the other hand, is us$2500-3000 worthy of the task that you will be doing in Tianjin ? No one can tell u without knowing what job you are being offered - ie whether the salary is inline with market.
I used to receive remuneration package of rmb 150k/mth when working at Shanghai/HK as an expat Trading GM. I lived luxuriously but I reckoned that I was underpaid.
Feb 8, 2006 18:35
  • MAY001
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I'm sorry, TOMORROWNEVERDIE, I don't mean you.
Did I misunderstood the monkey and peanuts phrase? If you pay Peanuts, you get monkeys. it is a fairly derogatory way of saying that manual labour doesn't need to be bright and doesn't need a lot of pay.
Is it a good phrase???
Feb 8, 2006 18:50
  • RITA
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Good salary if you do not have to work 24 hours a day!!
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