Amount of money needed at the Port of Entry?
Jul 21, 2006 09:57
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Hey guys,
whats the least amount of money one needs to have at the port of entry?

I heard that the Chinese immigration officers won't let you in if you don't have a certain amount of money on you ( I've heard that this is some kinda "unwritten rule" and Beijing is pretty strickt about it).

I'm on a tight bugdet and plan to have less than $500usd on me for a 4-5 days visit to china, is that gonna be a problem?

Jul 21, 2006 11:08
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there is no such "unwritten rule" altho of course it for your own welfare that u have enough for the trip and USD$500 shd be adequate for 3 to 5 days trip. But u shd have a return plane ticket or have prove of yr return journey back to yr home country.
Jul 21, 2006 19:18
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I have been to China 4 times and then officers who were at the point of entry have never asked me how much money I had on me when I entered the country. I have stayed as long as 3 weeks and if I needed money I went to a citibank atm. Betweenus21 is right make sure you have your return ticket boarding pass. $500 USD should be enough and you should not have a problem. I hope you enjoy your trip.
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