Chinese slang
Jan 5, 2008 23:33
"88" means byebye, we use it in internet when we say bye to our friends
Jan 8, 2008 02:09
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You can also say 886 right ? This is a cuter way of saying byebye. Taking the Chinese ba ba le.

In Chinese 88 is pronounced ba ba, which kind of sounds like byebye in English.

One I like is 502, in Chinese wu er ling, which is "I love you", because it kind of sounds like wo ai ni.
Jan 8, 2008 03:55
GUEST00241 LC, I love you should be 520, not 502 ^_^
Jan 8, 2008 03:56
GUEST00241 And who knows the meaning of 520 1314?
Jan 8, 2008 05:30
It means I love u for ever. wo ai ni yi sheng yi shi.The cute game between lovers
Jan 31, 2008 23:02
GUEST41222 You'd better say 不(bu 2)到黄河不死心
I am a native Chinese :-)
Feb 3, 2008 16:18
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qian li song e mao ,li qing qing yi zhong

Described the friendship between friends^^

Aug 13, 2008 02:58
GUEST17920 What are some basic Chinese slang words spoken daily in China, for example in Australia we say g'day for hello,
Aug 15, 2008 21:00
GUEST41245 88 means bye

you will c most of it when u have online conversation with a chinese
Aug 22, 2008 18:08
GUEST12883 88: byebye
MM: abbr of 美眉. 美眉(beautiful brows) means pretty girls/ladies.
GG: abbr of 哥哥. 哥哥/帅哥(here means hansome boy, not elder brother).
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