Two most difficult languages to learn
Nov 23, 2007 14:58
GUEST18465 What are you talking about?

Chinese children speak Chinese just as fast as other children do... there are no five or six-year old chinese kids running around that don't speak fluent chinese unless they have some serious mental issues... That Chinese children are smarter that other children because of their language is ridiculous and has never been scientifically proven...

The Korean alphabet most definitely did not originate in Egypt or Phoencia... and no alphabets have their origins in Egypt...
Nov 23, 2007 15:04
GUEST18465 Chinese is not the origin of Japanese or Korean... both Japanese and Korean are considered linguistic isolates for purposes of classification. That means that they are unlike any other languages in the world and their origins are a mystery, and certainly not found in Chinese. It is true that Chinese influence has bequeathed a large amount of words to both Japanese and Korean... but this doesn't mean Chinese is the origin of those languages... That's like saying Latin is the origin of English, which is simply not true.
Nov 25, 2007 22:18
I really don`t think chinese is very difficult to learn.Not because i am chinese.One of my students who is from Spain,he`s just studyed chinese for 3 monthes,6hours on practising speaking each week,now he can deal with his daily life in china.And another student who is from U.S.A had studied 2years chinese in his country,he practises his chiense with me 4 hours in a week,we can talk about drug,religion,pollution,etc...And in a party I met a English guy,also speaks influent chinese.Chinese is not more difficult than others,spend ur time on it,find a studying way what suit u,u`ll get ur move.That`s my experience.
Apr 16, 2008 08:28
GUEST18591 hello ,I am from China, I aways hear that, foriners say Chinese is very difficult to learn,I think bicause they know very little about China,they dont have the good way to learn,or they dont have the enviriment,now in China there are many foriners, from French.Canada,America,they work at the televison.their Chinese proberbly better than usual Chinese
you proberbly dont know,that in China aslo many many students have the agony to study English many student need to study English 8years in school.but at last many of them cant speak any words.
Apr 21, 2008 08:44
GUEST42116 Chinese is easy to "grasp" but extremely hard to "master" (the same as English but even worse).
Often times, even Chinese natives with good education cannot compose good Chinese.

A "literary" text does not only require correct grammar and right choice of words (Chinese has so many synonyms!), but also blending of classic Chinese, patternized phrases, and some regional dialects. There are phonological subtleties as well: the length of a phrase, the vowels to be used, the combination of tones...are all governed by some underlying rules which native speakers cannot express.

I have seen a lot of foreigners speaking decent Chinese, but none of them writes perfect Chinese.
Jul 15, 2008 19:10
GUEST26148 For someone try to claim chinese is easy to speak, most foreign speakers talk like a guide school kids and native chinese are just too polite to point them out since most of didn't expect them to speak chinese at all. If a ordinary chinese speak like them, he will be considered a mentally retarded person. To test that you can really speak chinese, try to carry out a coversation with ordinary people about some abstract topics like politics and religions,
For reading and writing chinese, pickup a newspaper and try to read it, if you can understand it, your reading level is about 6-7 grade level. Pickup a novel(>600 pages), if you can read it, you can claim that you have mastered ordinary level chinese. But you properly need another decades or so to learn the old classic chinese, which is much more condensed and profound. Most westerner i knew cannot read or write about 4-5 grade level after staying in hongkong for over ten to twenty year.
Jul 23, 2008 23:22
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hmm, I didnt see anyone talking about portugese.. :)
My mother language. some say it's one of the hardest, and compared to English it really is difficult. I've started Japanese lessons, and the grammar part is quite simples, the only problem is recording the symbols :S but I'm loving it!
Ah, I found this japanese course at greeeat website!
Aug 30, 2008 08:31
GUEST83117 some of you think you master chinese language well? try translate:
傒我后, 后至其苏
Aug 31, 2008 12:51
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wow guys, I got owned here :-P

1st language: Portuguese(I'm brazilian)
2nd language: English( 9 year- course, still no fluency on hearing)
3rd language: Japanese( 3 months of Internet course, only simple sentences ^^)
4th languager: Spanish(High School teaching; don't know almost nothing)

Dream language: Mandarim \o/

QUESTION: Which of the chinese variations of language should i learn???
Sep 3, 2008 00:36
GUEST21336 Arabic is very easy. Ive learnt it. I really want to learn chinese tough.. I know just the bare basics though ive been here 10 months in shanghai already..
Try a language called malayalam. :) that and chinese are the toughest languages.
I do know Hindi, Tamil and French.. plus a bit of conversational Urdu / gujurati.. as well..
I want to fluently learn to Read write and speak chinese, russian, german and spanish
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