search function
Feb 28, 2007 02:36
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I am looking for a search function of the forum topics There is a search function for the entire site but I haven't found one which searches forum topics only.
Feb 28, 2007 03:08
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There was one (search function for thread topics) within the former/old TCG format. It may be that it is still under construction, with this new site format, which was created about a month ago ??

Moderator will most likely respond to you later today, or tomorrow morning.
Feb 28, 2007 03:54
  • SIVA
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Dear sssteve,

Thanks for your advice! Such advice should be put into this Talk to Us board, so I just move it! Hope you can understand!

Roger is totally right! The new format of our commuinty lost this useful fuction. We have found this problem and will soon add this search function recently!

Thanks all!

Siva :)
Mar 11, 2007 17:58
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Just to reiterate, this forum could definitely needs a search function and some order, e.g. separate forum topics into forum categories. It is really confusing as it is.
Mar 11, 2007 21:43
  • SIVA
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Hey Publius,
Thanks for your comments! We will add the search function within a few days.
Siva ^_^
Mar 23, 2007 20:26
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Siva, sorry but I can't find it !
Mar 25, 2007 01:01
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Dear all,
So sorry for keeping you waiting. Our technicians are now trying their best to recover the 'search' program. Hope it will work this week.
Sorry again!
Mar 25, 2007 11:53
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It's OK
Mar 29, 2007 18:10
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Hey Siva. Please don't forget this. Amongst some of the nonsense some of us write there is also some useful information that others can read :) Thanks Siva.
Mar 30, 2007 00:52
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Dear all,
The search function has been added to our forum. However, it's still under debugging. We are sorry for any inconvenience it may cause to you and we promise to settle the problmes as soon as possilbe!
Community Moderators
Nov 26, 2007 20:21
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>>The search function has been added to our forum. However, it's still under debugging. We are sorry for any inconvenience it may cause to you and we promise to settle the problmes as soon as possilbe!
Community Moderators<<

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but when I type in 'cell phone' (no quotation marks)
into the Search function, searching All Forums, it doesn't find the cell phone topic in China Observer Forum.

I probably stumbled upon the only two words that don't work in the Search function. :)
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