search function
Nov 26, 2007 20:43
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Thanks for your comments, CANADAGUY.
I have tried the search function in All Forums and it is ok. When you type in some keywords, for example, cellphone, you should choose 'Content' first (not Title or Author) and then type in your keyword. Just try again :-) If you have other problems, just let us know.

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Nov 27, 2007 14:26
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>>I have tried the search function in All Forums and it is ok. When you type in some keywords, for example, cellphone, you should choose 'Content' first (not Title or Author) and then type in your keyword. Just try again :-) If you have other problems, just let us know.<<

Hi Christine.

I am interested in finding 'Titles' specifically that contain the words of interest, not the 'Content'.

Being the analytical type of person that I am, I decided to conduct some experiments with the search function and have found some interesting results.

There are bugs with the Search Function.
Problems occur with the following characters:
? ! ,
I haven't tested out other characters, but I will give you the results of my tests using the above characters:

Are you a slave to your cell phone?

-slave to your cell phone? No Titles found
-slave to your cell phone No Titles found
-slave to your cell Title found
-slave to your cel No Titles found
-slave to your c No Titles found
-slave to your Title found

Public interest advertisement needs nudity?

-advertisement needs nudity? No Titles found
-advertisement needs nudity No Titles found
-advertisement needs Title is found

The youngest but most beautiful street cleaner!

-beautiful street cleaner! No Titles found
-beautiful street cleaner No Titles found
-beautiful street Title is found

I am not in the USa, nor am I from the USA, but TCG s/w thinks so!

-nor am I from the USA No Titles found
-nor am I from the USA, Title found
-TCG s/w thinks so! No Titles found
-TCG s/w thinks so No Titles found
-TCG s/w thinks Title found

All tests were done searching for 'Titles' in 'All Forums'.
Nov 27, 2007 19:11
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Thank you, Canadaguy!

You are such a careful observer! We will try to improve the search function.

Thanks again for reporting the bugs to us!

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Nov 30, 2007 11:49
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Maybe it only understands 'UK English' - try 'mobile phone' instead! haha
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