Are Contact lens bad for our eyes?
Nov 6, 2008 05:45
GUESTSONALI hai..i am Sonali and i am 14...
well.i wear my contacts like 12+ hours...they dont hurt and doenst get red...

they are not dry either...sometime its pains but only when put it inside out...thats all =]

hope i helped..
Nov 8, 2008 16:12
GUEST02990 is all contacts good for your eyes or not because the all white contacts i heard that it could not be really good for the eyes do u think its true?
Jan 5, 2009 08:51
GUESTMINA GUESTTONY, How can you wear contact lenses STRAIGHT? You are supposed to take them out before you go to sleep every day, clean them with solution, put them in the case, and go to sleep, not wear them while you were sleeping! Perhaps that is the reason why you got red-eyed in China. Or maybe it was the condensation in the air.
Jan 31, 2009 12:58
GUESTALLIE im 12 and considering getting contacts i wear glasses now but i dont like wearing them
and think contacts would be way better plus i can change my eye color ...but im sort of having 2nd thoughts wat shld i do???!!!!
Feb 1, 2009 08:54
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APPAULT DODGER SHESGOTTOBE Its certainly good to see all your expert opinions and theories still being a nuisiance to to all the pathetic questions
being asked,and to project yourselves with such professionalism on every topic. Its been a while,but if you want to know,ask the professional doctors who handle
eye care health. Its nice to see all of you so eager to answer everyones monic questions,with a few stories,which are not interesting at all.
Feb 18, 2009 08:47
GUESTCHE I really find it very uncomfortable wearing my contact lens.My eyes get red once I wear them. I don't know if it has something to do with the solution.
Feb 20, 2009 19:58
GUEST44206 Hello.. Im Jean 28 years old,I wanna asking about the contact lens.I never wear the contact lens... so my asking is it is painful to wear the contact lens? and if its not,where should i buy the contact lens?
Feb 27, 2009 05:06
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i realy didn`t tray in one day to wear it becaues i feel fear from it , specialy when aread the answer of Dr. Dubow ,

this is what he say

Q: I am 17, and I wear my contacts all the time, night and day, usually for as long as two months. My eye doctor tells me that if I don't start to take my contacts out I can cause permanent damage to my eyes. What will happen? — A., New York

A: Your eye doctor is right! You are playing with fire. Improperly worn contact lenses can cause a loss of oxygen to the cornea, which in turn can lead to blood vessels growing over the front of your eyes, infections, lid changes, allergies, corneal warping, corneal swelling and possibly even blindness.

There are lenses being investigated that may be approved for wearing up to 30 days without removal, but they are not on the market yet. Why roll the dice? You might have gotten by so far, but what if you do have a problem? Is it worth it? You only have two eyes! — Dr. Dubow
Mar 20, 2009 15:08
GUEST21713 Ive been searing contacts for about to years and have had no serious problems. But it does seem rather obvious that one aught not to put things in ones eye.
Jul 23, 2009 09:50
GUESTSTEPPHI... i just turned thirteen less than a moneth ago
i think my long distance sight might be dteriorating
are contacts ok?
also coloured ones- are they ok?
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