When China will be an economically RICH country?
Apr 1, 2007 13:55
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The Governmen promised that will make people to be abe to buy clothes and food. and did it. Now the position is that after this 2 important steps, the third step is to make all people the same average, middle class. I hope, I want this come true!
About the beggars - give them some fresh food. If they are real, they will be thankful.
Oct 9, 2008 08:57
GUEST89175 China is very develped compared to so many contries try and visit china for those who have not been in china you will be in a shock, they are doing great, their population is so high but if it was low china could be like USA,an example is Hong Kong is a developed part of china and taiwan , all cities of china can be like hong kong so China will very rich soon in the comming years give them some few years from now and you will see
Oct 10, 2008 14:59
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I went away for a few months and when I come back I see these threads between the voice its master (I don't even need to name him) and the others. This discussion turned out to be pointless. The only correct answer to this question is: in a long time. I'm not only talking about Economy, I'm talking about Education (culture is not really widespread in China, even in so-called developed cities, since it is not the priority for now it seems...), I'm talking about Life Quality (and not only about environment...). Every single aspect of Chinese people life deserves to be seriously improved within the coming years. If you want a complete analysis, I suggest you follow the link.
Oct 10, 2008 15:14
  • JCNILE123
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Good to see you are back.
I think your opinion is much centered and focus, thanks.
Oct 10, 2008 15:23
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You are welcome ;-), I'm glad to see some old folk :-p
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