When China will be an economically RICH country? | |
Mar 30, 2007 04:45 | |
![]() | China is already a rich country if we go by GDP and forex reserves.The infrastructure in tier 1 cities is very good..It has positive balance of payments .. its just that its population is dragging its real growth a little ..but its really doing grt Now if u are talking abt individuals being rich, that happens slowly in communist regime ..but its changing fast ..so expect more millionaires and billionaires..! |
Mar 30, 2007 11:48 | |
![]() | "Sanyachina, you have grossly overstated the case. It is true that their are many fake beggars, but the idea of being able to change one's clothes and climb into a car, even a Chinese one, is simply absurd. " I told you that I saw it on CCTV. Anyway, if you think that 99% of the beggars are not fake -please, spend you money, it is your choice. THE TRUE BEGGAR IS HAPPY EVEN IF YOU GIVE HIM SOME RICE/BREAD, he/she is able to eat it in front of you. But I TRYED TO BUY THEM SOME FOOD - the rusult was 1/5 REAL. OF COURSE IT IS JUST AN INDIVIDUAL EXPIRIENCE. So it is your choice - if you like - give them money and stimulate them to use this parasitic way of existance. "Although many naive and inexperienced laowai are often cheated, this is so far over the top as to be simply ridiculous." HAVE A TRY: HAVE A WALK AND JUST USE THE WORDS : "TING BU DONG" and "HELLO!" USE YOUR BODY-LANGUAGE TO ASK THE PRICES AND SEE HOW TERRIBLE WILL TRY TO CHEAT YOU. SOMETHING THAT COSTS 5 RMB YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY 50 RMB. A COUPLE FROM EUROPE IN TAIZHOU PAID 200 RMB FOR 1/2 KG OF CHERRIES :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D SOME OF THESE SELLERS WHEN TAKE THE MONEY TO GIVE ME THE CHANGE (I CAN SEE) HAVE AT LEAST 500 RMB IN THEIR POCKETS. IN THE SAME TIME, EVEN FOREIGNERS LIKE YOU HAVE TO WORK AT LEAST 10 HOURS TO TAKE THESE MONEY. |
Mar 30, 2007 11:59 | |
![]() | "Many sellers are not farmer at all. They buy the fruit and vegetables from the farmer in a very low price and then sell them to both laowai and Chinese in a higher price." 1. WELL, I SEE THAT THEIR CLOTHES ARE DIRTY AND THEIR ETIQUETTE IS NOT GOOD, BUT...I BELIEVE YOU - HERE ARE SO MANY CHEATERS THAT IT IS QUITE POSSIBLE SOME OF THEM TO BE NOT TRUE FARMERS. 2. IF YOU ARE CHINESE THE PRICE IS FOR EXAMPLE 6 RMB/ GONGJIN, if you are not - wow!!! The price is 60, 70, 80 RMB / GONGJIN. May I tell you a true story? One night I am shopping in the Evening market. I decided to buy some watermelons. The seller though that I am Russian, but ANYWAY he was TRUE MAN and sell me the watermelon in the normal price 1 RMB / GONGJIN. In the same time few teenagers came there and ask him - "How many?" , he answered the same price. And then they asked him : "Good, but how much did you sell to this foreigner?", he answered: "It doesn't matter - we are all the same! No foreigner, no Chinese, my prices are one and the same!" and then I told them - "He is a true Chinese! He though that I am Russian and STILL sold me the normal price!" So, this is the situation - some people are honest and nice, but some are bloody cheaters. EVEN THIER WEIGHTING TOOLS ARE FAKE. ALREADY FEW TIMES I CHECKED THEIR TOOLS AND I FOUND THAT THEY ARE SELLING MORE THAN 50% FAKE : 3 KG = 1.5 KG. THIS IS A CRIME! |
Mar 30, 2007 18:48 | |
![]() | True Sanya. Better if this doesnt happen, and I hope that he authorities will slowly be able to get rid of all forms of cheating. But for these small blokes (guys) at the bottom of the heap, I don't care too much as long as they do the same for everyone! Not exactly socialist, but equal!!! |
Mar 30, 2007 19:42 | |
![]() | It is Chinese government policy to have scientific development and to achieve a harmonious society. As I understand these terms, this means that economic progress must not be pursued at all costs, the wellbeing of the environment and the broader happiness of the people is the greater goal. That's not easy, but I wish the govt and China success. Unfortunately, China might reduce its pollution substantially, but even so, the developed world has taken us to the brink, none of us has much room left to grow economically and not bring down the whole world. I am embarrassed to say that my country is one of just two developed countries that refuses to sign the Kyoto treaty. |
Mar 31, 2007 00:17 | |
![]() | Sanyachina, calm down, please. I did not in any way deny that cheats exist, I said you were overstating the case. There's a difference, a very big difference. I have had plenty of people try to cheat me because of the colour of my skin, but the only places I know of where the prices would be inflated so drastically are places like the Silk Market/Xiushui or Hongqiao Market in Beijing- places mostly frequented by tourists. And I've seen plenty of tourists bargain the prices down to reasonable levels. In real-world, non-tourist China cheats exist, yes, but I've never come across any- beggars, fruit sellers, whatever, who've tried to cheat me to the degree you suggest. Let me add my own story to illustrate my point: When I first moved to this area and first went to get beer from my local beer-seller, I took empty bottles to recycle. He tried to charge me 2 yuan per bottle for my new beers. I said, no, 1.5, I'm recycling bottles and that's what everybody charges. It took a couple of minutes, but I called him on his little attempt at cheating me, stared him down, and I've never had any trouble with him since. That's the kind of cheating regular people in regular life have to deal with. Most people, though, are like the guy in your story. |
Mar 31, 2007 02:47 | |
![]() | That is life, may I say? Colorful. Take a break, LOL |
Mar 31, 2007 13:15 | |
![]() | "That is life, may I say? Colorful. Take a break, LOL" (.) (.) | ... All right :) |
Mar 31, 2007 13:59 | |
![]() | All right - it is your individual expirience. I am walking often outside and I can see plenty of Russians buying 2 papayas for 80 RMB or something like this. What about the shops in Dalian? The price (officially) is for example 350 RMB (some cloth), but if you're Chinese the price is 100 RMB... And later a lot of tourists post in the forums - "Wow, in China is so expensive!!!"...This is a bad image for China and I feel sorry. |
Mar 31, 2007 17:41 | |
![]() | In 1978, Chinese life appeared to my eyes as uniformly simple with not too much disparity; in 2006 the disparity could be displayed in terms of rich/poor. China's economy is destined to soon be the world's largest economy. How this great weath eventually distributes itself will be very interesting. It will unquestionably provide great riches to the greedy, dishonest, and the politicians; it remains to be seen how much wealth will reach the throngs of workers. To the Chinese people living the simply Chinese life they will never be poor; for those chasing the dream of wealth, the greatest hard times are just beginning. The gaps between rich and poor will become even more immense than I could see in Beijing last year. As for the beggars, I have seen very few of them in China. I saw two children asking for alms in Shanghai 1978. The people surrounded them and gave them money; they would not allow me to contribute. In 2006, I saw a few beggars and wouldn't have known a truly improverished beggar from a trickster. ...but the story of begging is the same the world over. If you feel to give, give. If not, don't. Capitalism is poisonous...it might have been "the apple in the Garden of Eden." |
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