Visa Types
May 16, 2007 22:09
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I have heard there have been a few problems with this Chris/Cypress. Cypress, please let us know your story of what happens :)
May 16, 2007 23:16
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Is it difficult to get a VISA for Tibet? What is the process for that, and how much does it cost?
Sep 17, 2007 07:15
GUEST58244 help! i just started working for a company that promised me a working visa with in the first 2 weeks of starting my contract and 1 week in the police arrested me, my brother, and my friend.... me and my brother both have f visa's but my friend has an L we were each in different intorogation rooms and only my friend was told that he must leave china... and wont be able to upgrade his visa..but our translators were not very we dont know if that applys for all 3 of us or only him...
we were not teaching yet we were only fined for not having a residency permit and my brother was fined for not having his passport on him..
Oct 16, 2007 22:08
GUEST21148 Can someone please confirm that Beijing-Health Certificates will be accepted outside of Beijing?
Oct 18, 2007 09:59
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Guest 58244: An employer cannot get you a visa. It is always the visitor's responsibility. However, for certain types, including Z &F, the employer has to provide documentation. The probability is that your employer might have been able to provide documentation for you to get an F visa locally. OH I have just noticed that post was September while I was without a net connection....oh well, for the benefit of others who might read, I'll continue). It has always been said in here that you cannot work on an F visa though many people are inthe full knowledge of the authorities...I was one. I have also heard that it is accepted for people to work for 'a couple of weeks' as it is not really working, the pay simply covers some travel expensesand I know that is how some summer schools handel it.

My guess is that the authorities had something against the employer or someone else did and persuaded them to take action. I wonder which city or province it was.
Oct 18, 2007 10:03
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I don't think anyone can confirm that they will definitely be accepted, but they should be!!! After all you are often told you should get them in your home country. Contact the business who is providingthe invitation and ask them to check. The employer/inviter normally assist with this.
Oct 19, 2007 10:53
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I have a 6 months multiple entry tourist visa, no problems getting it. Because I needed it quickly, I had to ask "very urgent" handling. Got my visa within an hour. However, had to pay 115 euros, when one week handling for visa costs 40 euros and 3 days 80 euros.
Oct 24, 2007 22:37
GUEST18128 Hello,

I got offered a job in Shanghai and I gladly accepted. However I had a routine check and yesterday I got some disturbing results, I am a HbsAg carrier (that is Heatitis B carrier). I have not developed the disease but, I wonder if this is a problem for getting a Residence permit in China. Thanks a lot for your help!
Oct 25, 2007 10:01
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Guest 18128. Unfortunately I think it will (but I am not sure). The 'physical' as it is usually known, inlcudes liver tests. I suggest you contact your prospective employer and have them ask the relevant department. That way you will not waste a lot of time and money.
Oct 26, 2007 05:03
GUESTGUEST18128 Thanks a lot. That's what I have done. Will let you know if there will be any development so that it can be useful to someone else in a similar situation.
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