RMB is beautiful...
Mar 23, 2007 04:03
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Saw BBQQ's thread about RMB and find is quite interesting. In fact, I do think the paper money is quite beautiful. Many famous scenery of China are painted on the back of RMB.

Have you ever been there??
Mar 23, 2007 04:09
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The back of a 100 RMB, first edition:
Longevity Hill of Summer Palace. Summer Palace, or Yiheyuan in Chinese, located at the northwest suburb of Beijing. As one of the world famous royal garden, it became a World Heritage since 1998.
Mar 23, 2007 04:11
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Oops, I forgot the pics...

Mar 23, 2007 04:15
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Two yuan RMB, the second edition: Pagoda Hill, Yan'an

The pagoda was originally built during Tang Dynasty and the existing one was rebuilt in Ming Dynasty. As the landmark of Yan'an, the Pagoda Hill is a must-see.

Mar 23, 2007 04:18
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Three yuan RMB, second edition: Longyuankou Bridge, Jinggangshan.

The first big success of Red Army happened in this beautiful place. Now it is a base for patriotic teaching as well as a recreational heaven.

Mar 23, 2007 04:31
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No need to talk to much: Badaling Great Wall. This is a one yuan RMB of fourth edition.

Mar 23, 2007 04:33
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Two yuan of Fourth edition: Nan Tian Yi Zhu, Sanya.

Mar 23, 2007 04:35
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Still the fourth edition: Wu Gorge of Three Gorges, Yangtze River.

Mar 23, 2007 04:59
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The fourth edition: Mt. Everest (Mt. Qomolangma)

Mar 23, 2007 05:05
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the more,the better
Mar 23, 2007 09:20
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Is duplicate RMB in the market?
How we detect original one?
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