Psychological state of Chinese college students
Mar 29, 2007 14:45
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All right, you think that what was happend in that uni was not socialistic. BUT, for example, in 1980, in Soviet Union these things were often. Even in Armenian Soviet Socialistic Republic one university student was famous because of this he made his room-mate A REAL SLAVE. He has to clean his shoes, to cook, to wash and to make his homeworks (otherwise - BEAT HIM!). But you can't say that Soviet Union and partly - Armenian SSR weren't socialistic society.
Mar 31, 2007 01:22
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There's been a lot of concern and public awareness of this in Canada and the U.S. in the past few years. It concerns us because there are many Chinese students studying at universities in North America -- and some are under so much financial and psychological pressures that they may harm themselves or to those around them. I won't go into detail here, but it's been very highly publicized in Canada the past year.
Mar 31, 2007 03:15
  • SIVA
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Dear members,

Politics is always the most sensitive topics that are not allowed in Tcg forum. Because we do not want to offence any member and we make all efforts to provide a peaceful and friendly atmosphere in the forum. So please avoid such sensitive political topics as much as possible. Thanks all for your kind cooperation! : )

Enjoy your stay here!

Siva: )
Mar 31, 2007 18:42
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OK Siva, point taken ...we will try to be good :)
Apr 1, 2007 21:30
  • MAY001
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We are all good at off the topic! LOL
Apr 2, 2007 04:26
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The difficulties are, that almost everything is related to the politics. Because the country is made by the politics. And we are living in the country. We can not be a-political, a-country people. Even if we live in a mountain we are under some government. So even when you talk about economy or culture, you can't pretend that it is not connected with the politics. In fact it is normal - POLITICS is coming from a GREEK WORD which meaning is pretty close to what I am talking about.

And May, the off-topics are everywhere, not only in this forum. It is because of the assotiations in our brains discovered few decades ago by the Soviet psychologist and neurologist - Pavlov.
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