Psychological state of Chinese college students
Mar 28, 2007 01:14
  • CAOJUAN157
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Nowadays, Chinese college students usually have some psychological problems concerning pressure of study, personal relationship, family or romantic relationship and stress of job-hunting.
For lack of proper treatment and immediate adjustment, some students become gloomy and tend to have mental diseases. Failing to overcome the dumps, some even choose an extreme way to extricate the harsh reality—suicide. Especially in some key universities, the rate of suicide is strikingly high.
I do not think it is a typical problem only belonging to China. School authorities should take some measures to solve this problem. Is there any good example to follow?

Mar 28, 2007 02:01
  • ELLEN77
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In my university, we have a Psychological consultation room for those who have problems with themselves. It is tried to be efficient for some students.
And there are many Psychological consultation in the radio broadcast during the evening. I have heard that many people joined in the programme are university students.
Mar 28, 2007 04:25
  • MENG
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I think this problem partly caused by the less communation between these youth and their parents. At present, most of the Chinese family just has one child, so these young generation lean to depend on their parents in every aspect. When they leave home(where their parents are all the time) for university, it is unavoidable of them to feel lonely in the new life without their parents. At the same time, a number of young generation have no idea about how to make some new friends, so the situation becomes worse. As a result, some mental disease happens to them.

In a word, I hope the universities' officials could pay more concern to their students, encouraging these freshman to participate in more extracurricular activities.
Mar 28, 2007 04:46
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I have heard a news about a university student who didn't find a job three years after graduation and finally committed suicide. What a pity!
Mar 28, 2007 04:50
  • BBQQ
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Committ to suicide is not brave, but to live!
Mar 28, 2007 11:56
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"Nowadays, Chinese college students usually have some psychological problems concerning pressure of study, personal relationship, family or romantic relationship and stress of job-hunting."

I wonder how they will feel, if they are living in country where the unemployment rate is more than 15 % !!!

"For lack of proper treatment and immediate adjustment, some students become gloomy and tend to have mental diseases."

It means if they are living in some country where everyday people kill people, the minorities are making troubles and the organised gangs are doing whateer they want they will soon die!

"Failing to overcome the dumps, some even choose an extreme way to extricate the harsh reality—suicide."

If they are living in some country where the Skinheads are walking free down the street may be they will have no time to suicide, because the Skins will "help them" at once!

"Especially in some key universities, the rate of suicide is strikingly high.
I do not think it is a typical problem only belonging to China. School authorities should take some measures to solve this problem. Is there any good example to follow?"

Yes, they have to send them in some of these Western countries and then these students will feel happy that they are living in China.

Some pictures for the Weak, Baby-students in China to know better what is ABROAD:

1. SKINHEADS like to beat, destroy and kill Asians, Africans, Arabians and most of the White foreigners:

Mar 28, 2007 12:14
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China 4.20 %

United States 4.80 %

Australia 4.90 %

Romania 6.10 %

Russia 6.60 %

Spain 8.10 %

Bulgaria 9.60 %

Argentina 10.20 %

Poland 14.90 %

Lebanon 20.00 %


Still want to die in China?
Mar 28, 2007 12:21
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PLEASE, HAVE A LOOK WHAT IS FIGHT IN RUSSIA JUST BECAUSE OF FOOTBALL GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If some of these suicide-babies here is in the centre of this fight, do you think he will be still alive to commit his.her suicide?

Do you understand WHY YOU MUST be happy that you are living in China?
Mar 28, 2007 12:24
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If you like I can find for you some barbaric football fights in England as well. It is not only in Russia. So , the Chinese infantiles HAVE TO THINK about how they are lucky to live in a safe socialistic society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 28, 2007 20:20
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China is safe? YES

But getting back to the original question. My experience in a small university was that there ar a lot of pressures. It is not just the pressure to study, but the pressures of a changing society. China today is differnt from their parents (which was often hard), and there it is difficult for them to give relevant advice - about jobs, about relationships. Students and parents have been led to believe that spending money on education will get the young people good jobs - and that is just not happening now. I have plenty of evidence. This is not a criticism, it is a reflection of China's rapid change.

In my college there was one part time counsellor. Students would not visit this person because their private matters were not kept confidential. When students' grades start dropping, does anyone ask why?(my apologies to TCG for my slight breaking of the rules on not talking politics).
Mar 29, 2007 14:38
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"China is socialist? NO!"

Then how you can explain these socialistic phenomenons:

-Socialistic symbols (The National flag, for example)
-Socialistic rhetoric (of the Government)
-Socialistic organizations (for example the young pioneers)
-Socialistic leading role of the Communist Party
-A lot of socialistic rules existing in former socialistic countries are still working here, making us happy:
a/ No guns in the shop.
b/ No *** on the TV.
c/ No dirty songs (for example it is impossible Chinese singer to type some pop-music where he will sing how will copulate with our mothers, but it is "normal" in capitalistic places as USA or Russia, even in some level in Taiwan)
d/ No big inflation
e/ No minority problems
f/ No racist and Nazi organisations
g/ No drugs in front of the scools, etc.
I don't know why you think that the Socialism is only one kind. May be you are imagine the Soviet socialism and comparing with Chinese today you think that it is not.
The SWANS are not only WHITE. Here you are a BLACK SWAN:

So, the socialism is not only Soviet, Korean or Hungarian type. There is also a market socialism:

-Yugoslavia (ago)
-China (today).

Or may be you will tell me, that Tito in Yugoslavia was not a socialist?
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