Where will we be buried when we die?
Oct 20, 2007 11:12
  • GRIZ326
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I will be cremated.
Oct 21, 2007 02:07
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I have asked to be cremated.
Less mess and just in case I was in a coma I don’t want to wake up and find the top of the coffin screwed down. Tchaikovsky wrote a piano concerto based on this. When I play it, it sends shivers down my spine.
Oct 21, 2007 08:21
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Where was Tchaikovsky at the time? Lying flat on his back in a dark room perhaps! Coma on I was only making a joke...ooh its got worse!

But you wouldn't have to worry, you could 'dodgeround' the problem somehow!!

HEY! I often wondered where a certain English phrase came from.." If such a thing happens I'll be screwed". Yeah, lying there with the lid screwed down you would be screwed!!!!
Oct 21, 2007 22:45
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Where? Don't care about it? Nothing is left after death. Return to Nature.
Oct 22, 2007 22:19
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Quote: Why not keep your body in a safe and wait for renascence? At present, many researchers are doing researches on this subject. Perhaps, it will come true one day.

Come on! You are really a dreamer. If this could come true, do you think you can burden the cost? I'd like to donate my organs if they can be useful to others. And then, I will be cremated :)
Dec 4, 2007 11:18
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I know I signed an organ donor card when I got my driver's license. Now, if I can just remember where I put it. LOL!

I prefer to be cremated when I die. I don't want to occupy any more space when I'm dead and I don't want to be eaten by worms. -_-
Dec 4, 2007 20:33
  • BBQQ
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To be cremated? I am afraid that some people can not afford the fee to be cremated. It is said that it costs about 10 thousand yuan for cremation and those workers in the funeral homes earn very much. The news reported that a cleaner in the funeral home earns about 100,000 yuan a year in Guangzhou city. No wonder some graduate students compete for working in funeral homes.
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