Why does China need aircraft carrier?
Apr 19, 2007 04:06
  • JOHNNY512
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In my opinion
According recent situiation, it is sure that China will boost the project of aircraft carrier construction, not in the future, but now. Perhaps, the carrier is being built in secret. But there are still many people are doubtful of it, even negative.

The reasons that those objectors are:
1、Aircraft carrier is a big systematic project. Chinese people have never experienced such a complex project of the Navy. Whether economic or technology, it is unable to undertake;

2、At the present naval strength, China can deal with external aggression, even guarantee the fruit of past few decades of reform and opening up and stable environment for development. According to the environment and strategy, the Taiwan issue is the core of our biggest problems. How useful it will be that we build aircraft carrier? The answer is uncertain;

3、Aircraft carrier is a kind of weapons that appeared 100 years ago, which is going to be washed out. In today's world, we should pay more attention to those advanced weapons, especially asymmetrical power. Only in this way, we can improve the status of China's backward weapons and equipment, but not the weapons that others have already matured;

4、What we need is a stable international environment for our own development. If we develop aircraft carrier, it means we provide more scandals of "China threat theory". So it is no need to re-fuel at this critical moment;

5、If developing aircraft carrier needs powerful systems engineering and security forces, according to the Chinese naval strength, it's a question to guarantee the safety of aircraft carrier.
Apr 19, 2007 04:11
  • JOHNNY512
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Through those words, many people think China should postpone the construction of aircraft carrier, even not build. For those people, they underestimate the Chinese people's desire of carrier. From the beginning of the 1980s, Chinese people have never given up on the carrier's research, or abandon the pursuit of aircraft carriers.

 Now I refuted the above reasons:

1、Any state power just considers whether it is needed or not, it doesn't concern the political, economic and technical issues. When Chinese developed A-bomb、h-bomb & artificial satellite, what favorable political environment and economic conditions we had? They were developed, cos we needed them. Moreover, our economic and technological level rised, carrier is not much of a problem, at least it is easier than developing A-bomb. It depends on the determination of our nation and the military needs;

2、Those who cannot see beyond his nose have this thoughts. Unless Chinese want to have autarky within 200-nautical-mile economic zone, unless Chinese don't desire to ensure the safety of overseas shipping lanes, unless Chinese don't want to safeguard its maritime interests, unless Chinese do not care about the future of their offspring;

3、That's a typical mentality of "just sour grapes". In today's world, those countries which have owned aircraft carriers are developing more advanced ones, those which havn't owned carriers are developing ones or want to get from any ways. Only some Chinese think aircraft carrier has been out of style, and consider themselevs always right! But what is the reality? Although the carrier is the product of mechanized technology, they are still the lord of the sea. And in the coming century period, it will never be eliminated. Cos the existence of aircraft carrier respects a rule of war——integration of land, sea and air. If there are oceans exist on earth, there is the need for carriers, otherwise Star Wars is only a movie plot!

4、Actually, Chinese people know that "China threat theory" is only a stunt of anti-China forces. But those who are to surrender take it as a yardstick of self-developing, even a stumbling block to the development of China. For such a state of mind, it's the typical image of a traitor;

Apr 19, 2007 04:12
  • JOHNNY512
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5、Now the focus of the debate has focused on the here. The reason of postponing the aircraft carrier construction is that we haven't developed security guards to protect the aircraft carrier, so we have to wait until the our Navy are powerful. Don't you see U.S、Japan、S.Korea、India and Taiwan? If we develop our carrier, it's sure that those countries will thwart in any possible ways. So we should postpone the aircraft carrier construction.

 That's bullshit! For those people, they have upended a commen sense. Whether there is a master first or a bodyguard? Everyone knows that bodyguard appears for master, not master appears until bodyguard appears. There must be masters, even in unsafe conditions. Otherwise, what is the master? ——That's the succession process of aircraft carrier and security forces.

  Conversely, according to the allocation of Chinese Navy, except U.S., which country's nacvy has such a perfect carrier secure system? We have the destroyers of regional air and multifunctional large destroyers. We have multipurpose frigates and nuclear submarines. What we lack is aircraft carrier! Furthermore, what is the biggest obstacle to resolving the Taiwan issue ? That's intervention of U.S. That's 2 or 3 U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups. That's the fact we have to admit. Just think of it! According to the strength of China, it's so hard to solve several aircraft carrier battle groups, how far shall we go? By contrast, if Chinese aircraft carrier battle groups appear in the East China Sea or the South China Sea, what kind of tension?!

Apr 19, 2007 04:12
  • JOHNNY512
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Anyhow, we urgently need an aircraft carrier, not only to defeat the most powerful enemy, but also to deliver a kind of deterrent force in peaceful times and a choice in war times. If it can avert a war, that's the best course!
Apr 19, 2007 04:52
  • KEVIN0518
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You have good reasons for your analysis. Johnny.
Apr 19, 2007 04:58
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WOW~~~it's too long!
I think u can write disquisition, Johnny~!
Very incisive judgment!
Apr 19, 2007 05:00
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Apr 20, 2007 03:13
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support your analysis.
Apr 23, 2007 12:26
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Of course it is good analysis, but we can say simple - the successful military countries got this "tool", so we have to get it as well!
Apr 23, 2007 20:40
  • ZOEY
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SANYACHINA is so honest. Indeed, this is true, that's why China needs carrier.
May 13, 2007 04:14
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Info:China lready has aircraft carriers. Fr launching Mig29 and Mig 31's. They wer built in their shipyard at Lushun next to Dalian. Its a forbidden area t foerigers unless you teach for the unversity there as a foreign teacher. Is alo where they house 7 Russian Alpha subs.
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