Chinese college students favor traveling by exchanging dorms
May 8, 2007 05:02
  • CAOJUAN157
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It is said that traveling by exchanging dorms has become popular 50 years ago in foreign countries. Nowadays, more and more Chinese college undergraduates like to travel in this way. They express their exchanging will by posting threads on the website. If both sides agree to travel to the city of the other, an exchange will be made.
Students say that they could save the lodging fee by exchanging dorms while college authorities say that it will add difficulty to their management.
May 9, 2007 20:18
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I know no travel of this kind. Seems that it is impossile for college students. First, the school authority will do their best to prohibit it, especially in holidays. In my school, one can't even enter the dormitary building if he is not a student living there. Second, dormitary mates will not allow this kind of thing to happen.
May 9, 2007 20:29
  • BBQQ
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Yes, TravelDream, I agree with you. I don't think the university authorities will allow such things. And it's also hard to manage all the things. Other mates in the dorm may also feel anxious when a stranger comes.
May 12, 2007 12:40
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You both are right, not possible
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