Are Chinese women told to marry?
May 24, 2007 20:52
  • KEVIN0518
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"marriage should be decided by boys/girls, not by the parent. "
Yes, Lion. But the young people in China should obey their parents. Now the parents are more opened. They can understand their children and do not interfere in their marriage. That is good.
May 27, 2007 07:56
i think that happens quite common in China. students get married quite soon after graduation from Uni. i am 23 and studying at UK now and my parents have already started to say "u r not young any more, or time to find a boyfriend and settle down". i actually understand them. you know, i probably will go home and marry somebody within 1 year or 2 years after finishing my studying here as well. so dooooo quite a lot of my Chinese friends. we do have group of Chinese who will marry late, which might be over 30 years old or so. but generally we won't it. and... if we think we found the right person at the right time. we would get married very soon, but never that quick as 1 week, or 1 month . that's too quick, you know. if u met that kind of girls, be careful. hah!

May 27, 2007 22:22
  • KEVIN0518
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"if we think we found the right person at the right time. we would get married very soon"

Yes, it is. This is the most important. Take getting married seriously.
May 30, 2007 13:06
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I think it comes from both the pressure (from family, peers, general societal expectation) and the great insecurity one is bound to feel in the modern Chinese society, where free love and dating as common now in the West is not a very accessible option for most people (young and old) in China. You kinda get the feel that it's hard to meet a lot of new people at all, and if and when you do meet one eligible person, even if you have just met him or her (esp. him, for 'nice' guys are almost always a rarer commodity than girls), or you aren't that crazy about this person but thought it just as well would do.

On the other hand the social structure and tradition is shaking up in the more urban crowd, and you see a lot of anonymous internet dating/sex, DINKs, middle-aged swingers...a confused and promiscuous lot. But the general trend is to get into a marriage FIRST, and then do whatever you want, quick divorce included...
Dec 13, 2007 22:43
GUEST39171 Can be believable!
Dec 16, 2007 02:43
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What a waste in my opinion. Divorce should not be an easy options. Mt personal opinion is that spending plenty of time with a person before getting married lays a good foundation for future life.

I am not married and will only marry once, so I need to find the right person to commit my life to.
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