Are Chinese People Sensitive? | |
Jun 4, 2007 02:44 | |
![]() | Recenlty, I've read an article wrote by an Sweden reporter. In her article, she said that Chinese people are too sensitive. She said, when she want to discuss the culture differences between China and foreign countries, there are always someone who try to explain Chinese culture and disagree with her opinion. How do you think about it? Are Chinese people really sensitive? |
Jun 4, 2007 09:07 | |
![]() | Is the article on the Internet? Do you have a link to it, it would be interesting to read. The people I met last summer were not unusually sensitive. Perhaps the writer mistook Chinese customs, superstitions, and good manners for sensitivity? |
Jun 4, 2007 09:08 | |
![]() | It's a sensitive topic without more detail on what points of culture she was touching on. But when people get defensive about what others think there is often some truth in what is being siad that other simply do not wish to hear about. This happens on both the personal and national level. |
Jun 4, 2007 12:37 | |
![]() | BBQQ can tell, where she get this article. |
Jun 4, 2007 21:49 | |
![]() | Sometimes, when traveling, I encounter *cultural relativism*. It's a term invented by anthropologists explaining that cultural activities can only be understood within their context. When Asians people are "sensitive" to foreigner's comments, often they rely on cultural relativism to justify their way of doing things. I kind of agree with this, because each culture has a different history and reasons for how they do things. For instance, I wouldn't fault Chinese for eating dog meat, or women for choosing to marry money over love. However, when a country's people uses *moral relativism* to tell others not to criticize their affairs, then it's dangerous. Because we live in an international community, and even though each country has different political, economic, sociological situation, basic human rights and requirements for health and happiness are similar for humans around the world. |
Jun 4, 2007 22:13 | |
![]() | "each culture has a different history and reasons for how they do things." Yes, Chynagyrl. |
Jun 5, 2007 01:50 | |
![]() | cultural relativism. A good expression. I found this article on Xinhua News website, however, it's in Chinese. I believe that some of the Chinese are really very sensitive. Too sensitive to confess that there are disadvantages in China. |
Jun 5, 2007 06:38 | |
![]() | Isn't that reporter too sensitive? She got such a conclusion just because there are always someone disagree to her opinions.~~ |
Jun 6, 2007 03:17 | |
![]() | BBQQ. Your comment: I believe that some of the Chinese are really very sensitive. Too sensitive to confess that there are disadvantages in China. Hits the nail right on the head. Sometimes too sensitive to rationalize with the evident truth of a given situation. I am happy. There will always be a high demand for good teachers in China! __WINDENERGY__ |
Jun 11, 2007 22:36 | |
![]() | Again, we are left with [individual] perception I guess ?? I have not found Chinese people to be overly sensitive in the general sense. I do see them as having a lot of pride and 'face' is so important. I, do however, understand that there are cultural differences between China and the west, especially the US. My wife and I discuss these factors almost daily and both work hard to understand and relate to each other’s culture. I always try and have a balanced view and keep an open mind on such things. This is why we are so close, and she is my soul mate, irrespective of any cultural differences/sensitivities. Moreover, I am more tolerant of cultural differences between China and the West, than I am of cultural differences within my own culture/race. I am less tolerant of those within my own American culture, and in the west in general, who are very narrow-minded, biased, closet-racist and stereotypical in their thought and judgment. Unfortunately, I encounter this daily in my career. Last, good thought process and comment, CHYNAGYRL !! :) |
Jun 12, 2007 01:00 | |
![]() | Agree with Rogerinca. Face is very important for Chinese people. |
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