Haven't you forgotten this day?
Jun 12, 2007 03:00
  • JOHNNY512
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No. 10

The main force landing on the beaches.

Jun 12, 2007 03:38
  • JOHNNY512
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US army has lost many soldiers.

Jun 12, 2007 03:40
  • JOHNNY512
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The defeated Germany army buried their comrades.

Jun 12, 2007 03:42
  • JOHNNY512
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Germany soldiers surrendered.

Jun 12, 2007 03:50
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Johny, I wonder which country you are from??? You haven't mentioned in your profile yet?

I think you'll find that those countries who fought and lost men in that battle DO REMEMBER and HONOUR those who fought and/or died.
Jun 12, 2007 17:01
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It's too easy to forget in a world of "instant" gratification. However, this decisive battle will always be written in the history annuls. It took a lot of courage to land on those beaches at Normandy. It showed the Nazi's, once and for all, there is not one dominate human race, rather, each culture, in their own rights, has their own strengths (and weaknesses).

I now propose a toast to Churchill and Ike, "Gan Bei"!

Jun 12, 2007 17:53
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Thank you Johnny, for your thoughtful thread. :) :)

As to J-Roo’s question; I have ‘profiled’ member Johnny as Chinese, age is mid-to-late 20‘s, (possibly into very early 30’s) educated, very intelligent, and very prideful of his China !! However, he is always fair and caring of the feelings and pride of other members of differing nationalities :)
Jun 13, 2007 22:42
  • JOHNNY512
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Those who have experienced the wars can never forget what the wars brought. However, some of the young people may not have a clear understanding about the wars and history.
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