Top 10 military nations
Apr 12, 2009 19:25
GUEST36572 what top list u ppl are talking about ...ther is no top country and fuvk both india and pakistan....both have nuke power u cant beat each other crazy ppl just think ......ass holes
Apr 12, 2009 19:39

Originally Posted by GUESTRAJIV

india is going to be next superpower ! in very few coming dayz it sure

hahahaha...india and super power are u out of your mind.....ppl are starving to death there.....please tell me india cant handdle pakistan a very small country they cond and blast in ur country and u even dont know when the cross ur border all the war between india and pakistan u lost......what made u think that inia is next super power...first get rid of pakistan
Apr 13, 2009 17:52
GUEST13550 "Only China and Russia are future Super Powers and to little extend India ". Russia hasn't been a serious threat since the fall of the Soviet Union and any historian will till you that china's economy and military growth is going to implode like it did in the late 1800's and so many other times before that. Every time throughout history when a country has growth like that of china it implodes. History always repeats itself.

1. USA
2. Britian
3. Isreal...... It beat the hell out of Eygpt and took the Sinai Penisula in 6 days.
4. China
5. Germany
6. Iran
7. India
8. Russia
9. Saudi Arabia
10. France
Apr 16, 2009 07:39
GUEST16035 The US have never won a war on their own. Even in the war of independance they had the French, Dutch, South Americans, Spanish, Native Americans hahah And Britain kicked their asses in 1812

And I am not British I am from Canada
Apr 20, 2009 22:58
GUEST42224 We've never had to win a war on our own, because we've always had allies. How many other countries can place a nuke virtually anwhere on the world within minutes? What other country has as many air craft carriers with nuclear bombers and nuclear subs as we do? The US was not a dominant military power until WW2. But since the end of the cold war, we are THE military superpower. Get over it or go die somewhere.
Apr 24, 2009 15:08
GUESTDAVID but you dont know why since world war two the axis power have not intended to atack america because they know that they cannot defeat it . It would not b succesful in defeating axis power the Germans,italy and japan power without the help of the americans. Remember the tym of hitler and i know too much scientist in russia but the problem is they allow there self to b used by other country to invent like iran and others...
Apr 24, 2009 15:21
GUESTDAVID In the long run this are all the top 10
Apr 25, 2009 02:30
GUEST10938 India cant be in that list, 1948 they lost in kashmir, pakistan freed half of kashmir from them. 1965 they attacked pakistan and lost. 1971 they attacked again and lost and a very recent one in kargil 1998-99 gueass what they lost again.
indian military is six times more than pakistani military. india military budget is 26 billion and pakistani military budget is 5.4 billion.
But still four major wars and india lost all of them.
Pakistan's Military has not enough quantity but more and better quality. and they have proved it several times.
May 2, 2009 02:58
GUEST63137 My top 10 Rating goes

1. USA

May 7, 2009 22:14
GUEST21890 You mean won wars they weren't needed to be in, in which also lossing their pride and image to the rest of the world.
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