Top 10 military nations
May 8, 2009 00:40
GUEST23944 who the hell has tell u that india is beaten by pakistan.for ur kind information india has beated pakistan in1948,1965,1971(remember surrender of 90,000 soldiers of pakistan) and in 1999.
May 8, 2009 00:56
GUEST23944 let me tell u,in1948 kashmir was an independent state under maharaja ranjeet singh and at that time indin army was not in j&k.pakistani were attack on them secretly and captured the whole kashmir regionand some part of jammu.after call from maharaja indian army attacked on them and release the jammu and lots of kashmir till the americans did'nt interfering in the war.(bloody americans).in 1965 pak attack on india and looses,not a single mm of indian land they captured.your g.k. is so weak about 1971 war which proves that u are not in a condition to talk about u not even hear that in1971 war,90,000 pak soldiers were surrendered in front of indian.
and in more recent 1999,pakistan lost the war and this was accepted by pak p.m. navaj sharif of that time.
May 9, 2009 20:28
GUEST49126 The US is the most powerful by far. It a full out conventional war, the US would destroy to the enemies satellites, crash their computer information systems with viruses and worms, disable all communications and cripple their infrastructure. The US could use its Navy to completely destroy the enemies Navy and blockade all importation of food and other goods. The US itself would be very difficult to attack and next to impossible to invade. Almost every household has a firearm and a massive interstate highway system would allow for the free flow of supplies and food. Any Naval invasion would be destroyed quickly and with superior quality and massive quantities of aircraft, only the fringes of the country would be bombed if any of it.

That being said, the fight would not be on American soil but rather in the enemies country. Now, let’s say the US were to take of the gloves (like other countries have done when fighting the US) and fight the war without an emphasis on humanity but rather on outright killing and slaughtering the enemy, no country would last long. The US starve them, cut of their energy supplies, cluster bomb fields of enemy soldiers and beat them into surrender. What if the US did not accept surrender? Good thing they are good people!

Some people say China is stronger. Let's look at it this way: Can China invades the US? How would those 100 million soldiers get there? How would China bomb the US? How is China going to break the will of a pissed off and united people of America? OK, so now we know the fight will be on Chinese soil. 100 million soldiers are not going to defeat unlimited supplies of cluster bombs and air strikes.

Do you want to know who the second most powerful military power is? It is the country that fights next to America!
May 12, 2009 21:27
GUEST97152 [quote=GUEST02172,326227]usa
top 3 are 1 issareal 2 british sas 3 aus sas
May 12, 2009 21:31
GUEST97152 [quote=GUEST97152,366182][quote=GUEST02172,326227]usa
the top 3 combat forces in the world are 1 the mossat of issareal 2 the british sas 3 the australian sas these are the top 3 .for normal combat forces these are the best army india navy usa airfiorce north korea defence russia
May 12, 2009 21:34
GUEST33158 the topn 3 combat special forces are the mossat of isareal 2 the sas of britian 3 sas of australia
May 15, 2009 16:50
GUEST13447 you guys are so stupid righjt now its usa the european union russia china and india who are the only ones who can even talk. i think cfountries like turkey and israel are very strong powerful nations with great militarys but i dont think they have the resources to be a supwer power. and no one will ever out spend the u s so they will always have the bestter tech 4 fold.
May 18, 2009 07:52

Originally Posted by GUEST11565

Even before, without US, Israel is still undefeated in their war history. Not because of their military or war machines but the land itself, its the promise land, that is the place where Jesus Christ was born. Imagine, their land is not big and surrounded by bigger arab countries but until now its still Israel because none of them can conquers it.

I think it did not get beaten because simply it did not exist :)
May 18, 2009 08:12
GUESTANALIST I got the ratings of I made some adjustments according to culture (ie having a warrior background (A mongol or Viking is not the same as a budhist indian is he? )) and geostrategy (which for example is very unlucky for Germany (sandwitched european flat between Russia and France with no free access to the sea), and for example is very lucky for Turkey (one foot in europe one foot in petrol area, mountains on Russian border..))
Here is what I got:

1 United States of America
2 Russia
3 China
4 United Kingdom
5 France
6 Turkey
7 Japan
8 Germany
9 India
10 Brazil
11 South Korea
12 Italy
13 Indonesia
14 Mexico
15 Canada
16 Iran
17 Pakistan
18 North Korea
19 Egypt
20 Spain
May 28, 2009 16:52
GUEST66227 damnit i was trying to make something amusing but anyway...

4.The UK
8.Germany... well they are about as strong as Israel or stronger
9.Canada...Hey!!give em credit
10.this is a hard one i guess you could say a european country butttt i honestly would say australia
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