Top 10 military nations
Nov 19, 2008 19:59
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ISRAEL??!! u must be kidding me!!
Nov 19, 2008 20:11
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Saudi Arabia top 10 military power!! u must be joking me !!
Nov 19, 2008 20:13
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The United States does 3 things very well
1. They attack third world countries! (keeps Texas in the black)
2. They shoot each other!
3. They lie about 1 & 2 !
Dec 1, 2008 11:32
GUESTA.STAR right now, the united states is definitely the world superpower by miles. But china does have the largest standing army in the world. We dont even know what goes on in china and their military. It is a very secretive program. However, according to several reports ive read and thanks to a lot of my own research, i have reason to believe that China and India will be the next superpowers. That can put us in a dangerous condition looking at the fact that the two are neighbors. The russian military power might have died down post cold war, but i think with their rising economy, they will definitely be pretty powerful again.

Dec 3, 2008 22:19
GUEST91292 USA is too strong in military in the world ,may it be a dictator ?or has been
Dec 11, 2008 07:40
1_ USA(Power of all Christian Country)
2_ Russia
3_ Uk
5_ France
6_ India
7_ China
8_ Pakistan
9_ Iran
10_ Argentina
Dec 12, 2008 06:26
GUEST15138 My top 10 would be
India/ Pakistan ( tied)
South Korea
North Korea

Dec 12, 2008 06:43
GUEST15138 how the hell do japan/ saudi/ france/ any south american nation or iran end up in the top 10.. cearly no one here as a deeper understanding of how militaries should be ranked- its by technology, experience and victories, equipment, the number of personnel and of course, nuclear technology. So heres my top 8 list ( top 10 unavailable due to shady information on some nations)

1)USA - undisputed number 1-heer size, unbeatable technologies, worldwide reach, solid economy,
2)China- one are the days when they used to rely on waves of human soldiers. The new China is lean mean and ready to give battle. Some of the best infantry and decent airforce and navy
4)Russia- a shadow of the old days, but nevertheless have advanced technology, the worlds largest nuclear arsenal and of course.. sukhois
4) Israel.. a tiny nation that can deliver a huge punch.... just look at the arab israel wars.. have the most highly trained troops in the world
5) India- rich in combat experience,although they have only truimped in 2 out of 5 war they fought. Modern airforce with 126 5th generation aircraft ordered, as well as a advanced navy. Brought down on the lack of training to troops and poor missile technology
6) Pakistan-the army is highly experienced, having lost outright once in 4 wars against a much larger indian army ( with the help of bengali rebels).ne of the places where Pakistan scores well is its missile system and air force
7)Britain- The U.K ‘used’ to have one of the greatest armies on the planetlthough a shadow of its former self the U.K has some of the best trained and experienced infantrymen in the world. Being the 51st state of the U.S also counts.
8)Turkey- has a 600,000 thousand rapidly modernizing army. It’s got a lethal air force with more F-16’s than any other nation apart from US. A well to do navy finished the picture
Dec 14, 2008 04:12
GUEST76143 ok guys all the rest are rubbish i a experianced person and i tellin ya this:

1.USA - will go lower economic crisis - less population for its size - strong with nukes - good airforce - weak navy
2.ussr - strong land units - goining down due to no new weapons - lots of people willing to go to the army
3.china - has an army of 5million - getting better equipment for soliders - economy shooting up while pther powers economy falling.
4.britan - got nukes - well equiped - economy downturn although using lots of money on military
5.france - got nukes - well equiped - less tanks - good airforce
6.india - good nukes - economy shooting up - lots of money used on army - has 1 billion people - future 2nd biggest army - although bad reputation lost to pakistan in wars and at times got trashed begging america to tell pakistan to retreat.
7.japan - big economy - growing power still
8.pakistan - economy down turn - but now sorting things out - uses lots of money on military - 5th best airforce in the world - allies with china so no one dares to touch em - 7th biggest army in the world and people willing to fight in the army.(7.6 percent of population in army - got nukes
9.germany - lots of population in army - rich economy - falling economy now - well equiped - has a few nukes
10.turkey - europes best fire arms - has 6 th biggest fire arms in the world - big economy - growing military
11.brazil - big population for army - using lot on military
12.iran - all willing to die for thier country - using millions on military - well equiped - growing economy - 22 percent of population in army.
13.korea - well equiped -good missiles - lots of army (constiption)
Dec 14, 2008 04:15
GUEST76143 india got beaten my pakistan inuff times

they even begged them to retreat last time

they called america to tell pakistan stop
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