If there had been no differences between East and West
Jul 26, 2008 10:13
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Dodger and whomever,who has an opinion,of your intellectual prowness and degree to
which you profoundly releinguish your critisms and conjectures so professionally.Your
answers are so climatic,and without substance,of direction or taste.But by now you
have no clue of what is happening to you,should you continue reading this.The intellig
ence displayed by you on this site,and the manner in which you contrive to side with
any persons will never let people speak kindly of you.Whatever your position was in
life,perhaps even once upon a time,you may have been and still may be a kind person
However,that function of your Character has been shown in the threads you have given answers to,and the ways you have endorsed you immediate language in knock
ing another person,who you do not know,and if you are a capable knoc
k on the character of another professional person,whom may be adapt as you are or
perhaps incredibly better than you are.True Professionals do not enjoy tearing apart
lives they have no idea of whom they are,and how they in turn may enter into your
world or leave it,leaving you unscaved,and have never harmed you in any manner as
you publically endorse others whom do you, you all can share with the grou
p of confederates your insecure feelings to vent on someone who had no reasons to
do Pay Back Time,against any one. I am sure your family is proud of you,and I am
sure I am not proud of you,and it does not matter,for I am the stranger your common
sense if you have any at all,should have dictated to you,to leave a person whom only
submitted a question which was not wrong when compared to the levels and degrees
of other peoples threads which are far more invading and intrusive than my thread.
You have to learn,you do not try to destroy a persons life on a Internet Forum,when \
you feel dominated by the question.Most people whom have devoted their time and
efforts to De Mean Me,all have a Social Problem,and some 0ne has showed it to them
themselves as they are,and readily they jump in.Because of my true Profession ,Ther
e can be no details.I will suggest,that Hazing should cease with me.You may be kind
and look like a sweet old man,when you are everything else but !!!! There is no one
of you on this site who can do nothing except make conjectures and nothing solid
of whom I represent,or what. However,its a request,if you understand.Think through
your life,and Mature a little,and become the Old Kind Man people see and love.Dont
let all you love you,see you as a Victimizer. You will not like this reply,as I am afraid
to address you,or anyone personally as all of you fail to do for me.When all of you
write in Pass tense knowing I may read it,is not confronting me. Frankly,there is no
reason for any of you to confront me at all.
Jul 26, 2008 19:40
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Blueyankee, aka Yankee Doodle,
I suggest that to go back and read some of the replies that you have posted in the resent past. Rude, aggressive and abrupt come to mind.
Your reply to Leonardo, without any apparent reason clearly demonstrates to all that you have issues.
I suggest that you spend some time in self reflection or seek professional help if you can.

answers are so climatic,and without substance,of direction or taste.”

Please explain this phrase.

“But by now you
have no clue of what is happening to you,should you continue reading this.”

This has also left me a little confused.

“Because of my true Profession ,There can be no details.”

Ok, so now along with having a terminal illness you are a member of the CIA?
I close in thanking you for giving me many hours of amusement without even having to watch the comedy channel.
Has your Doctor been able to give you any assessment of just how long you will be with us?
We need to start organizing a wake in celebration of you life.
Rest assured, you will be dearly missed by all.
Perhaps we should start a competition for the best inscription to place on your head stone?
I’ll go first.
“On earth he toiled, in heaven he’ll rest.
God bless you Blueyankee, you where one of the best”
Jul 28, 2008 11:58
  • SETH
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Leonardo has never claimed to know so much, and he usually has logical and interesting thoughts on subjects. I like seeing his posts and wouldn't ever consider attacking him, or anyone else for that matter, with interesting and well thought ideas.

However, I guess there are some (one?) mean-spirited people who like splattering fecal matter around. I am guessing much of that is from jealousy since no one seems to take him or her seriously.

These forums are usually very interesting, and people generally respect each other and differing points of view. It is sad to see disharmony enter and spoil an otherwise pleasant and constructive interchange of ideas.

I do feel badly for such man-spirited people, as their lives must be filled with much pain and self-loathing.
Jul 28, 2008 13:12
  • JCNILE123
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Blue Yankee, pal, I think not one love's you there in the middle kingdom.

Blue Yank: just go home in Arizona USA, perhaps you can execute your desire and take care of the ones that have harm your reputation so beyond repair, especially Leonardo and Dodger... and now this guy Seth adds another nickel to the mounting internet attacks on your highly educated internet performance.
Soon as you get home in Arizona, show them no mercy....

Blue Yank, you will have the last cackle...
Jul 28, 2008 22:07
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Wow, the Gloomy (Blue) Yankee vented his anger on me! Sob, sob!

Blueyankee, I can't understand why you picked on me. I felt sympathy for your tragedy so that I didn't say a single word on your nonsense in your thread. You are mean to me and let me down. To reclaim my dignity, I have to speak for myself and give you some kind words of advices:

No.1: I have never claimed knowledge of everything. You wronged me!
No.2 Advice to you: you'd better reflect on why you were lynched by "online vigilantes"( quote this term from a thread in this forum)
No.3 you’d better learn about some ethics of reciprocity: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Mutual respect is a virtue!

We have an old saying in Chinese philosophy:

English translation:
Sad is the cry of a dying bird; good are the words of a dying man.
Or "when a bird is about to die, its chirps are mournful; when a man is about to die, its words are grateful and kind.
The deathbed can lead people to speak with great honesty and, in many cases, humor.

You claimed that you suffered from somewhat terminal disease. Is this true? The way you chirped on the forum makes me doubtful. Were you just fooling us on this forum?

Anyhow, I wish you well. May God Bless You! May God blue all the gloomy (blue)!
Jul 29, 2008 01:29
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Thanks for the Chinese philosophy quote. A real gem.
And a nice return to what this forum is supposed to be about, cultural exchange.
Cheers, Dodger
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