What do you think of Chinese "Mistress Phenomenon"?
Jul 4, 2009 09:49
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why thinking girls as domestic pet? Now girls have many BF and can maintain after marry too.
Jul 5, 2009 17:27
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Your statement is stupid. Your views of China stay as the same level as how Zhang, Yi Mou's films or other vulgar meida present china and its people for catering for the tastes of a certain number and the west who is ignorant of the Chinese.

I heard that in lots of remote towns and villages, not only local headers and ordinary folks treat women as sex animals or pets that you call er'nai, which is cultural garbage like the pornography flooding in the west or specifically on the websites.

GUESTJIA, i am wondering what you think of it that your sisters, mom and your wife is being treated as er'nai or sex animals by others.

It's true that phenomenon existes somewhere in China, but we ordinary people cannot see it or even cannot imagine the life of those animals. As a Shanghai local talk show says, It's normal that divorce rate is much higher in developed places than those underdeveloped where the divorce rate is even zero but the pecentage of sex animals that lack of human feelings are pretty high.

Jul 12, 2009 05:27
GUEST10624 I am a mistress to a married man. I love him, he loves me. He certainly does not spend 25% of his income on me nor I on him...
Nov 13, 2009 23:00
i found this here thru Google and i must say brilliant.

Sorry for bad English

Aug 4, 2010 03:03
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It is fire to take what we called love comes naturally when we are married...
Aug 7, 2010 07:35
GUEST81123 Wuyuetian, you make very unfair comments to GUESTJIA, showing your narrow-mindedness and prudish thinking. You don't need to elicit sympathy talking about poor peasants, China's biggest cities are filled with mistresses. I don't know what world you live in that you never met any mistresses (sex animals, as you call them), but I meet them all the time here in Shanghai, as well as men who keep mistresses. It is well-known fact that men choose mistresses for love. For family reasons, they have wife. For sex, they can find one-night stand or prostitute. Why do you want to force your system of black-and-white monogamy on everybody else? Do you think you are God to decide for everyone what is proper way to live? For marriage system to work, should be flexibility, and allowance for mistress (for men) and lover (for women) is one way to do it.
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