Does the future belong to China?
Aug 21, 2007 10:24
  • ZOEY
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On August 19th, New York Times released a review about the Chinese Century. It states that it will be impossible for China to catch up with America before the 22nd century. This review reminds me of an article released on Newsweek of May 9, 2005. The article was entitled "Does the future belong to china?" The article states that China’s rise has brought challenges to the world, especially to America. China’s economy has increased very rapidly. In particular, its low-cost manufacturing makes up a large portion of the world’s market. To some extent, it deserves the title of the workshop of the world. Many dazzling statistics about China make Americans feel threatened.

But this time, the reviewer seems to have much confidence in America, and claims that it will be impossible for China to catch up with, not to mention exceeding US in 100 years.

Will there be a Chinese Century?Maybe there will. But not in the 21st century, but in 22nd century? What do you think? Does the future belong to China? and when?
Aug 21, 2007 12:53
  • GRIZ326
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I feel certain that if all of the social and political issues are handled well, China could be the world's most powerful economy in 10 to 20 years. Assuming technological leadership will take China longer to achieve, in part because big corporations hire China's best educated people to work for them - usually outside of China.

One of the major obstacles to China's progress is the immense language barrier. That barrier will erode away with time.

Will it take 100 years? I do not think so. China is Moore's Law applied to a society.
Aug 22, 2007 00:23
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"One of the major obstacles to China's progress is the immense language barrier. That barrier will erode away with time. "

Yesterday, I read a report by a Japanese news agency. It states that China is launching a program to promoting Chinese charactes and culture. The ultimate goal is to strengthen its soft power. According to the report, up to now, China has established over 150" Confucius Institutes" all over the world. Especially in Africa, there is a soaring demand for leaning Chinese Language.

I am not sure what the cases are in US, Canada, UK and other areas. Whether there will be a Chinese Century is uncertain, but language is probably not a problem.
Aug 22, 2007 21:58
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" Soft Power", so there must be some 'hard power"

What are the differences between 'soft power' and 'hard power'?
Aug 22, 2007 23:11
  • ZOEY
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I believe that military and economy must be hard powers. Such as the culture influence is the soft power. Sometimes, the soft power is more fearful than hard power.
Aug 27, 2007 21:02
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No wonder all countries are trying to retain their national identity and promote their native culture.
Well, I wonder whether it is a kind of nationalism. I have heard from a Chinese scholar that excessive patriotism will transform into extreme nationalism. Is this true?
Aug 30, 2007 21:37
  • DYLAN0428
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Does the future belong to China
of course,but 100 years later or more...
Sep 2, 2007 21:45
  • ZOEY
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DYLAN0428 , you seem hold that the advent of "Chinese Century" is only a matter of time. Why are you so sure ?
Sep 6, 2007 20:29
  • LEOPOLD219
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Does the future belongs to China? I think most of Chinese people would give this question a positive answer either out of patriotism or optimistic estimates. As a Chinese national, I also want to witness a prosperous China, but I am quite quite aware that China still has a lot of problems. Some business and political leaders made decisions based on gossip and intuition rather than on rational analysis. Some regions are still developing economy at the expense of environment. Our Green GDP is only a small portion of GDP. Our country's social security system is still lagged behind the West. There are still numerous people lived at the edge of poverty. In fact, there are so many problems that I can't list all of them here. All of these problems, if not handled properly, will hinder China's development. Only if these problems can be coped with effectively, can the grand dream that the fututre belongs to China be realized.
Sep 21, 2007 04:27
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Leopold 219, you are a patriot. Although they are still so many problems, China is making a bigger stride. In the years ahead, international situation is infested with uncertainties.
Sep 21, 2007 04:58
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With the persistent development of ecomony, China will play a more and more active and positive role in international affairs. But China's development will not pose any threath, instead, China will provide more opportunities to the world. The future will not only belong to China, but belong to all the peoples in the world.
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