"My first dilapidated shoes, my kids' toys"
Sep 24, 2007 12:32
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Chinese products are not just bought by the poor, they are bought by wealthy people too because theyare everywhere, especially in Australia. The product quality varies but often that is the fault of the BUYING organisation, not the manufacturer. When we talk of Wal-mart and other major retailers, if they are selling substandard products they are at fault. Firstly, they are telling the manufacturers EXACTLY what they want and how much they are prepared to pay, so if they specify junk, that is what they will get. Secondly, in the modern business world large buyers work with the manufacturers to ensure the quality of the products and if that is not delivered they go elsewhere. And the consumers are also to blame, they demand bargains and ever cheaper products, they demand built in obsolesence as they prefer to regularly throw away and buy new.. Goods which are imported by import agents and wholesalers are dependent on the sales chain.... they need to check the quality and reject junk... but the final step is the consumer, if they are more price motivated than quality motivated, the supply side manufactures and sells junk.

The world economy is being driven by China (mostly) because it is new business, The USA and Europe are old business with little growth which provides a sound baisi for world expansion but cannot drive it. As for Australia, it is an economic province of China. we sell masses of primary produce to China and it buys proportinately more than any other country from China. Australia has a high standard of living based on the low wages of China (and its own abilty to export). If China sneezes, Australia catches more than a cold!!

Are the Chinese workers being exploited? Yes and no. Yes by the standards of the modern western world, no by the standards of any of the western countries as they passed through this take-off phase in their development... though none of those was a socialist society.
Sep 25, 2007 21:45
  • ZOEY
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Well puts, Apault.

'The product quality varies but often that is the fault of the BUYING organisation, not the manufacturer"

I fully agree with you on this point. Erencius' statement is a kind of generalization. His statement that low price means poor quality is a generalization.
Sep 26, 2007 15:58
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Yes i was a bit generalizing that's true. "The product quality varies but often that is the fault of the BUYING organisation, not the manufacturer". I totally agree on this point also.
Nov 18, 2007 20:24
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"The world economy is being driven by China (mostly) because it is new business, The USA and Europe are old business with little growth which provides a sound baisi for world expansion but cannot drive it."

Apault, I can basically understand what you mean. Here just one thing, what do you really mean by " new business"? Do you refer China's new business to "high-tech or information industry"? As far as I an concern, both European countries and America are major players in "high-tech industry".

"Are the Chinese workers being exploited? Yes and no. Yes by the standards of the modern western world, no by the standards of any of the western countries as they passed through this take-off phase in their development... though none of those was a socialist society. "

Would you please further your illustration on the point "by the standards of the modern western world..."? Thanks!
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