How to deal with the lies and the lying liars?
Nov 10, 2010 23:43
GUEST110 I dont believe we could maintain our society as we know it today without lies. But my parents told me to be true to others and myself. So i do it, i m not wearing a mask because i m afraid somebody couldnt like me, or because i think its polite. Then people would like your mask and not you. You never know who is your true friend and what you can tell who...
My Wife (chinese) also explains more or less every week to who i can say what, what is the meaning if somebody say to me this...
If i dont like somebody i say it and try to avoid him/her, if something makes me unhappy i say it.
The restaurant situation i guess i would go to the table and ask (nice and polite) what he is doing here i thought he would be somewhere else... to embarrass somebody is also wrong as to tell lies...
Jun 10, 2012 19:40
GUESTJAN My dear Mum died in december, i quit my job to care for her, she was my best friend as well. A week after her passing when my sisters and my nieces met to see the vicor my sister said that i had been taking money daily from my mum. and that i am a lier.Islapt her face and then i chinned her, she called the police and i spent 12 hours in a police cell. I cried all the time i was there my sisters broke my heart.Itotallly forgive them. Ihave to move on with my life now, so to not for give is not an option.Jesus tought me to for give.I lost my Mum and i lost all of my family.Icould never speak to any of them ever again,because if they can do that to me whats next. A lier is a manipulating controller, I HAVE NO TIME FOR LIERS THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS OUT IN THE END.
Jun 10, 2012 20:24
GUESTJAN To live a lie is to not live at all. Who are you? A pretty face does not last for ever, charm the same. We are fragile, We have only our Integrity our quiet conscience,that keeps us whole, pure of heart Honest. Lies destroy people A very wise man taught me well my father. I have taught my sons to speak the truth always no matter how bad its the truth. I could stake my life on them telling the truth. I always said to them no matter how bad their behavior i will for give,but a liar will not be able to look in the mirror and will destroy them eventually. .I have not spent my life raising liars or thieves .I am a proud mother. You have to love who you are. Im quite boring, Ive never really wanted material stuff, just love, kindness,and honesty.
Jun 10, 2012 22:35
GUEST110 How about Santa Claus? Easter Rabbit? ect. These are lies and still many parents tell their kids about them. Lying is bad, but i do believe that there are situations where its too painful to tell the truth.
Dec 25, 2012 21:34

Originally Posted by FRANKENSTEIN View Post

Have you lied to your spouse, parents or friends? I believe that almost everyone once told lies during their lives. When you find someone once told a lie to you, what will you do deal with the lie and the liar? Telling lies is forgivable or not?

In China, if you tell lies for good intentions (white lies), no one will disclose y...

1. The mother should've been told immediately.
2. I would walk up to the table, smile sweetly and say "that was a quick recovery!", leaving them to explain themselves to the people they were dining with.

Well over 20 years ago, my cousin got married. My step-dad worked the morning and had booked the afternoon as leave to attend the wedding. Two of his employees called in sick claiming to have hurt their backs. When we got to the wedding, the two employees with 'bad backs' were guests of the groom. They'd called in sick to go to the wedding with no idea their manager would be attending the same wedding as a guest of the bride. My step-dad kept a low profile, despite my mother pushing him to say something. He waited until they were drunk and break dancing. He casually strolled up to them, leaned in and said "how are your backs". The look of horror on their faces was priceless and they both pretended to have a sudden relapse of back pain and hobbled off the dance floor. I laughed so much my face hurt. My dad's timing was brilliant!
Dec 25, 2012 22:12

Originally Posted by DODGER View Post

There is a huge amount of difference between a white lie and a black lie.
Your girlfriend/Wife/ Mother comes into the room after hours of getting dressed and says “do you think my bum looks big in this?”
What do you say? There are no prizes for the correct answer.
You visit a friend who is terminally ill in hospital, a...

There are ways of telling the truth without causing pain or offence. Assuming you love your girlfriend/wife/mother, then you love them and think they're lovely regardless of what they're wearing. If you do think their bum looks big and you know they have another outfit that looks better, you could say they look great, but the other outfit is a knockout. Go overboard with praise if they do change, so they don't feel insecure. If they haven't or you don't want to say that, your answer is "You look lovely. You always look beautiful to me", which should be the truth. Then you give them a big hug and kiss. It's a moment of insecurity and to be told you're beautiful and loved no matter what is the boost that's needed. The question they're really asking is "Am I good enough?" and you've given them the answer "Always and forever", which will make you very popular. I had partners where I would have to ask how I looked and they'd say "alright" or "you'll do". My fiance is completely different (which is why I'm marrying him). I see in his face he's telling the truth. He always says the above (unprompted by me) and also says "I'm always so proud to be seen out with you". He makes me feel very special and loved. I feel more confident and secure at 44 than I did in my 20's. So what if my bum does look big. He thinks I'm beautiful and loves me no matter what. I could go out wearing the living room curtains and he'd feel the same. At 30 (28 when I met him) he's more mature than any of the men I dated in their 40's.

As for the friend in hospital, assuming you have a similar sense of humour, you can tell the truth but hopefully make them laugh and feel better. If it were one of my friends I would say honestly, "I've seen you look better, but I've seen you look worse too" and remind them of fashion faux pas or nights on the razzle. My friends would say, "What are you talking about, that top looked great!" and I would say on the contrary, my retinas are still damaged. Sometimes a laugh is what's needed. Ringo Starr saw George Harrison on his death bed, stayed as long as he could, but had to leave as his daughter was about to have surgery for a rain tumour. Harrison smiled and said "want me to come with you?". Ringo Starr always smiles when he tells the story as his last moments with George were happy. It could have been really painful. I'm glad for both of them it wasn't.
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