Which Nation is the Best Tourist?
Aug 27, 2007 20:53
  • BBQQ
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A survey in Euro hotels shows that Japanese is the best tourist while US citizens are the second. Besides, the top three most polite tourists areJapanese, British and US. The Top Three best behavior are Japanese, German and US,

Which nation is the louder speaker? Italian is on the top one. And Russian is the most unpolite tourists. The German is the last one to give tips.

Best costumes belongs to Italian and the worst is US. Who is the one don't want to taste local food? Chinese. And who is the one don't want to speak local language? French.

All in all, the worst tourists is French and the second worse is India while the third worse is Chinese.
Aug 27, 2007 20:54
  • BBQQ
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Do you agree with the survey??
Aug 27, 2007 21:33
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I think this kind of survey is fascinating! Where did you find it?

I personally don't have an opinion about it because not many tourists come to my town (in Ohio)... many students, but they're a lot different.

I think the more interesting questions are a bit deeper. Why are Russians the least polite? Why don't Chinese like to try local food? Etc?
Aug 27, 2007 23:00
  • ZOEY
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Why don't Chinese like to try local food? Because they are proud of their brilliant food culture and delicacies. Why don't French like to speak local languages? Because they think that French is the most beautiful language in the world. Just for fun.
Aug 29, 2007 17:54
  • GRIZ326
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Surveys - no matter how interesting - always have a hidden agenda buried within them. So what is the hidden agenda???

People must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

OK! I am being an old fogy again. ;-)
Aug 30, 2007 21:36
  • DYLAN0428
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who tell you Chinese don't try.
we try our best ,however we can't fit
Just for fun.
Sep 1, 2007 06:42
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Yes, people do need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
I do not know that many Russians as I have never spoken to them when they were sober.All I know is that they keep their vodka in the freezer.
I have traveled in France with very bad French, but they were very kind to me. The Germans also were Ok. We laughed about the War at 3 nil to us.
So I think this type of survey can be a little damaging.
I have also have many Chinee friends who visit me who cannot eat western food but again Ok with me as I cannot eat Chinese food for breakfast.
There is an old French saying " rejoice in the difference"
Sep 1, 2007 08:50
"Which nation is the louder speaker? Italian is on the top one" - If you ever have the misfortune to land in a bad situation, for example where an airline, or a hotel, or some other such company is attempting to treat you badly, you may be very happy if you have some Italians amongst your group! From my personal experience, the Italians will be likely to voice the loudest protest, and 'take no prisoners' amongst any officials who seek to do them injustice - I have been very thankful in the past for the strong character of the Italian tourist!
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