Has God deserted Africa?
Aug 30, 2007 01:48
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Africa, a mystical land, once nurtured the Great Nile Civillization, where the forefather of human beings created amazing miracle. The Egyptian Pyramids standing there reflected the former glory.

But now, the civilization has 'gone with the wind'! Africa has become a desolate and barren land. It has become the synonym of starvation, destitute, AIDS, tumult and barbarism. This land is like a horrible hell.In the old colonial period, numerous missionaries came to this land and claimed that their mission was to evangelize this continent.

Today, African civilization (has declinded) is degenerating.UN peace-maintain service men are still there. Well, African has been left far behind the else world. A quote from a US movie "Africa is deserted by God", I wonder whether God has deserted Africa. If not, who will salvage Africa. Where is the way out for this 'forgotten land'?
Aug 30, 2007 03:33
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The African themselves have to find a way out.
Aug 30, 2007 06:19
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Africa has reverted back to were it was 100 years ago.
I cannot see a way forward for them untill they are able to get ride of the war lords that controll the place.
Aug 30, 2007 21:22
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Africa has a unique geography and environment that makes it difficult to develop economically. First of all, there are few navigeable inland rivers for trading throughout the continent, and villages are separated by great distances. Then, there is the problem of educated young people dying from AIDS and MALARIA in large numbers, so their potential to help their own country is lost. Africa has a lot of natural problems that we don't have in rich countries, not to mention Arabs and Africans living in close proximity and tribal conflicts.

Why don't rich countries and the World Bank forgive African countries' debts? They can afford it, but they don't do it. When they do forgive some, it's not enough to do much good. African poor countries pay so much interest on their debts, that they cannot take money to develop better infrastructure and services. That has to do with rich Western countries, not with an abstract "God". "God" works through people -- such as leaders of richer countries forgiving developing countries' debts. We also need to increase the financial aid to Africa so they can afford retroviral therapy for AIDS patients and anti-malarial efforts like bed nets. Look how much the the West spends on waging war (ie Iraq) and compare that to how much they spend on helping Africans. There's a lot we can still do... we just need to be more determined about it.
Aug 31, 2007 06:01
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the West have allready give millions of dollars to this area and it has been wasted on Rulers who have chosen to send the money to Swiss bank accouts and to spend it on them selfs. This money as not come from goverment but from ordinarry people paying their taxes.
Their coutries were left in good shape averall by the powers that ran the place befor them. They have wasted their chances woth corruption.
The Leaders of SA have decided not to hand out condoms as a stop against AIDS.
If we keep sending free money will it be delivered to the poeple in need.. I think not. It wiil be spent on more fancy houses and private planes and girlfriends for a few.
Just throwing money at them wiil not fix this problem.
Aug 31, 2007 18:19
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Yeah. I know what you mean. My brother's roommate in university was the son of the President of Congo. (or one of his sons). He had a lot of really nice stuff in his room, ie electronics, expensive clothing, etc. A lot nicer than most Canadian students, and his parents owned an apartment close to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Something about that didn't seem right...because I thought Congo was a poor country??
Sep 2, 2007 20:31
  • ZOEY
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The predicament of Africa as a whole involved various factors. Harsh Climate and unfavorable geological conditions hinder its development. The endless tribal conflicts worsen the situation. Today, in Darfur Area in Sudan, the warfares shadow the little progress that they had ever made.

Maybe it is not God but the international community abandoned Afica. More precisely, it is the colonists who conquered Afica that deserted Africa. Africans have to find the good way out for themselves, since no one can be counted on.
Sep 2, 2007 23:06
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Sometimes, international community can do nothing for them, for example, the issue of race slaughter. How can they cease the conflicts? Today, they cease the conflicts. Tommorrow the conflicts will appear again. Can these peace-making troups settle down there in their whole life? Possibly not. Why do they want to kill each other? Why can they live peacefully? Just as Gurty and Leonardo said, they can not rely on others. The way out should be found by themselves.
Sep 3, 2007 12:08
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I can tell you unequivocally that God has not deserted Africa. Things are not as they seem. Great things are beginning to happen there, but at a very small scale that most people can't really see or understand yet. But watch... the next 50 years in Africa, much will change. The seeds have been planted, and in time, there will be a great harvest for Africa.
Sep 3, 2007 23:17
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Peterjohn, I also hope great things are beginning to happen in Africa. However, African development is nothing compared with else world. The escalating tribal conflicts worry me a lot. The politicla instability make it hard to draw overseas investment.

Once upon a time, Africa was left behind. It was the aftermath of Colonialism. Now, the obstacles for the development of Africa seems to be increasing rather than decreasing.

I have been wondering how far Africa is away from Modern Civilization. In the near past, (1994) some ten years before, in Rwanda, the bloody Tribal Genocide still emerged in my memory. One million victims were killed in the bloody infighting. It happened in 1990s, an era when the else parts of the world have largely been civilized. Wheras, Africa seems to be an isloated island deserted by the civilized community.
Sep 6, 2007 04:27
  • LEOPOLD219
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Africa is one cradle of the Four Great Civilizations. Now, only the pyramid stands there telling the pain of Africans. Compared with those Africans lived in predicament, I feel that I am lucky and should be happy. .
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