Has God deserted Africa?
Sep 6, 2007 17:28
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Wow this is a piece of question you are asking.
There are many things to do to save Africa from its destiny. First reestablish all the frontiers on the continent (the establishement of those was not made according to the different ethnos living in Africa but according to the map of the ground (underground also) ressources the colonial nations wanted to acquire, France and Britain especially but not only). This is a solution to massive slaughter. Another is that some country like China, stop giving weapons to belligerents: we can think about the agreement that exist between Soudan and China in which they agreed that China will build railways but also weapon factories in Soudan to supply the Kartoum's regime, in exchange of what Soudan will grant China with oil. Another part of the agreement implied that China has to protect Soudan from any foreign intervention, part that China couldn't respect due to international pressure. Though China resisted for more than a year, a year during which hundred of thousands of Soudanese died in the Darfour (a region in the south of Soudan where animists live. They are fleeing from muslims armed by China).
Then about economy and education, well the solution is the same: they desperatly lack of education because money never comes to them. Basically, dictators placed by European nations are taking all the aids for themselves and there families to buy imported goods. They dont buy anything from the country so the industry sector cannot emerge. All the ressources of these countries are sold abroad at an extremely low price to feed the markets. But actually the raw materials market is in Chicago (US), and the more raw material there is, the lower is the price (basic principle of market system). So they sell more but they earn less and less. And to finish, they contracted debts to build the very few infrastructures they have. So as the time goes, they are losing more and more money selling more. They have to borrow money to pay the interest of the debt. This is because the raw material market is free of any rules, true and pure capitalism. Plus, US for instance, urges them to sell these at the lowest price (this is an incredible pressure they have to bare). This was for the economic problem.
About health... Many enormous pharmaceutical industries refuse to send some medicines there because they cannot afford it. They wont lower there prices. So I'm not boasting about my country but for once, the former French president had a good idea: to levy taxes on airplane tickets from France to finance these medicines (against AIDS especially). The price of it was originally around 170$, it consecutively went down to 70$.
It is a pity that in this world everything is about money. Money and raw materials...
Sep 6, 2007 17:37
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In the near past, (1994) some ten years before, in Rwanda, the bloody Tribal Genocide still emerged in my memory. One million victims were killed in the bloody infighting. It happened in 1990s, an era when the else parts of the world have largely been civilized. Wheras, Africa seems to be an isloated island deserted by the civilized community.

It was just theorically isolated, all the nations knew about it but none dared to act (loss of money most probably, and long-lasting conflict...). So we waited untill there is noone to save to declare that it was a genocide. There has been many genocides in the world in these years: in Kosovo, in Rwanda, in Central Africa, in Chechnya, in Armenia, in Tibet.
When ot genocides it was political opponents hunt: in South America for example...
We've been closing our eyes for such a long time... Fearing to see the truth, not wanting to intervene... So our world is now like this. It is for us to repair what our predecessors destroyed.
Sep 6, 2007 17:45
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Seeing this who can dare to say there is any god anywhere? Isn't it supposed to fight for good, to look after the weak...
There is none, that's why it happened: "homo homini lupus" (in latin means Man is a wolf to other men). And this will be true "Ad vitam aeternam" (for eternity in latin).
Sep 6, 2007 21:12
  • LEOPOLD219
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Very insightful and profound thoughts.

Your quote from Leonardle:

In the near past, (1994) some ten years before, in Rwanda, the bloody Tribal Genocide still emerged in my memory. One million victims were killed in the bloody infighting. It happened in 1990s, an era when the else parts of the world have largely been civilized. Wheras, Africa seems to be an isloated island deserted by the civilized community.

This is a very profound quote. Your reasoning is also brilliant .

" Africa seems to be an isloated island deserted by the civilized community." I guess that Leonardle's overtone is the same as your idea. Africa was actually deserted by the so-callled "Civilized Community." In 1994 when the Genocide occurred in Rwanda, all the western countries withdrew their diplomatic missions and servicemen. They refused to send troops to interfere in the genocide. After the genocide, they pretended to be humanitarian by imposing economic sanctions on Rwanda. Can economic sanctions redeem one millions lives of Rwand? This is called "hypocritical'.
Sep 7, 2007 04:48
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Yes that's right, so we have to let them access to development: stop subventioning our agriculture, begin to transfer knowledge to them and tell them what to produce so that they can sell in the future and make profits (like ecological gas for cars: needs rapeseeds, this kind of...).
Sep 8, 2007 02:55
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Africa being turn to a good mission. Hope they will be in a sound life.
Sep 8, 2007 04:44
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but first change the Warlords as they are kill their own people.
It is far too late to blame the Europians..they have long gone, and driven out by people who said that they wanted to govern them selfs.
A country full of riches..oil, gold,iron,copper etc. All wasted on villas in Switzerland.
Who would what to send their children there as soldiers to die ..not me.
Untill they are at a point to join us we have to stop sending money as this only goes to support corrupt people and keep them in power.
Sep 8, 2007 07:25
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Untill they are at a point to join us we have to stop sending money as this only goes to support corrupt people and keep them in power.

I don't think it is the right way to do things DODGER. We'd better provide them with infrastructure instead of money, build schools, build road, build hospitals, give these hospitals good medicines and not the outdated ones Western countries usually send to them.
This shall be in the agreement: pay the producers directly and create infrastructures. A kind of swop in fact...
Isolating them even more is not a solution and the fact that dictators stay in power is linked with the support of the Western Bureaucracy. So we first need to clarify the relations between our countries and then proceed as said previously, once tyrants are overthrown...
But this needs time and integrity: two things human beings are not especially rich in.
Sep 8, 2007 12:12
  • JCNILE123
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Has Africa deserted God???
Sep 11, 2007 04:54
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JCNILE123, is this a question of ' who deserted who?'

The tragedy of Africa is pathetic to any one who is conscientious. Imagine, many youngsters liked me had to drop out of school because of poverty. Poverty and backward is the whole landscape of Africa.
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