Has God deserted Africa?
Sep 11, 2007 10:02
  • JCNILE123
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Miss Ice blue,
Has God deserted Africa?
This is a copy of the title to this thread.

JCNILE123, is this a question of ' who deserted who?'
This is a copy of your question.

And the answer is yes! This is a question of who deserted who.
Now, Africa’s problems can’t not be solved, but until Africans stop
the killing of each other.
So much hate! And lack of human care for each other.
How long can they go on?
See Haiti in the western hemisphere, the same thing.
The hate, destruction and killing of African against African must stop first,
Before prosperity and wealth can follow.
And (that) is africans problem, again, they must stop the killings and destruction of each other first, or perhaps let them
destroy everything to the end.
Sad as it is, I personally belive that they are closer to to that, than to prosperity.
Sep 11, 2007 21:40
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I agree with ICEBLUE. Regardless of the question of " who deserted who", all the villagers in this global village should show the concern to Africans. Whether God deserted Africa, or Africa deserted God, we, human beings should not desert our peers. Africans should enjoy the right to achieve well-being. Africans should enjoy the right to be dignified. African girls should also enjoy the right to be well and decently dressed.
Sep 12, 2007 00:22
  • JCNILE123
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I see your point Miss Sunnydream and i understand what you said and Iceblue said.

And we can add a world of rhetoric and compassionate words for Africa and the people of Africa,
and money, lots of money.
but all it is, like a funnel on the hands of a bunch of heart less AFRICAN warlords and corrupt leaders,
They are the source of the poverty, hunger, misery and DEAD.
Human sufferings, child abuse, child prostitution, little boys at age of nine are warriors, and killers.
Africans killing Africans!
You can invest all the wealth and riches of the whole world there with the same results, what good do you
if you dress a beautiful little girl today??
And what about tomorrow?? Will you be there tomorrow too??
I doubt it, but the WARLORD will be there.
And "yes" Africans should enjoy the right to be dignified, but it is like a dream, as long as you have the warlords.
My question is, how can we help???
Sep 12, 2007 06:27
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The solution is simple and complicated at the same time Jcnile123.
Otherwise we take part in the conflict but in this case we'll be seen as invaders to the people because we chose who shall have the power and who shall not. Doing so the only thing that will come out from this situation will be a radicalisation of the electorate (that cannot read, so they are abused by their local leaders). In this situation you'll plant the seed of te next civil war, closely followed by a real war between the unstable state and the closest one, that would like to extend its borders.

The other solution would be to send pacification troops creating a buffer zone and then let them reestablish the frontiers according to the ethnos so that they stop the slaughter to decide who will lead a nation. But this appears difficult and even impossible since the territory is not just a ground you have domination upon. You have to consider the ressources of this territory... And no State would let go petrol or diamonds just for peace. It will only be when they have frontiers respectful of their origins that they will manage to build long-lasting and prosperous peace.
Sep 12, 2007 06:47
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I agree with Jcnile on this one,
we must remove the War Lords to have any hope of acheiving piece and prosperity for this vast continent. This can only be performed with force.
This would be looked upon in the short term as Intervension and invasion.
Their Leaders must think that we are the easiest of poeple to fool. Their people die of starvation becauce of their Leaders coruption and we bail them out again with more food and aid and help to support these War Lords to live a life better than most of us live.
More news today in the newspapers of more killings in Africa.
It has more riches in the ground than many, oil, copper etc.
Do we blame the buyer or the seller who has stolen them from the people.
I have no answer to how to fix this problem.
Sep 12, 2007 14:08
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We cannot remove them from a legal point of view except those who came to power by taking over the previous government. Ad even like this who are we to determine who shall prevail in these fights. What I mentionned before is the farthest we can legitimatly. Removing warlord is fine but it is like cutting the Hydra's head: other will take its place. First we have to solve the problem in depth then the people will remove these warlord (no more war to fight for).
Sep 12, 2007 21:44
GUEST47861 Erencius is a very smart guy!
The title of this post: "Has God abandoned Africa?" The question is metaphorical -- meaning "Is there hope for Africa?" but I wanted to ask you if you think God is perfectly benevolent to everyone. A lot Christians think so, but I don't think so. Take a look at the world. If there is a God, I think his or her nature is a lot more like human nature than we believe. You have two choices: Either there is *no* God, or else, God's nature is a lot more like human nature (ie can be angry, jealous, not always pleasant) than many people believe. Looking around myself, I think this world was created by design (living things are too organized to be random), and if God created man in his image, than must mean that God's nature is similar to human nature. I can't prove this, but that's just my thinking...
Sep 12, 2007 21:57
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Well, removing the warlord or assisting African development, which should come first? That might be the crux of African development. If we only rely on subventioning Africa, the greedy warlord might embezzle the fund. On this point, I agree with JCNILE123 , since as far as I know, fund abuse is a very seriou problem in the poor region of Africa. A large portion of donated fund was taken advantantage of by some greedy warlords. The fund was not used for the well-being of the poor averager Africans, lbut for the personal enjoyment of warlords.

However, if we stop assisting Africans unless the warlords are exterminated, the state of Africa would get worse. More Africans would die of starvation, AIDS, and poverty. Certanily, economic assistance is not a panacea for Africa's problem, but it is needed urgently. Suppose God has deserted Africa, should we?
Sep 13, 2007 00:27
GUEST47861 Let's say your brother is an alchoholic. If you give him money, he will go and buy alcohol and get drunk again. Should you give him money? Well, I say you should send him for professional help and give him money if he can finish a rehab program. He might fall off the wagon again later. However, if you are able to help them, you have a moral obligation to help them.

In Africa, sometimes they've tried this. Some countries are incredibly burdened with debt repayments so the IMF or World Bank offers interest relief in exchange for restructuring. The restructuring is painful, and then three years later, the interest relief they earned is only a tiny bit of help. Some of those countries must wonder if it's even worth all the effort to do it "the right way". I think they'd be tempted to go for short term solutions that are more corrupt and do not involve outside corporations.
Sep 13, 2007 05:44
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South Africa is a good example that relative piece can be atchieved in this part of the World.
It needs to increase it's influence in the area in a positive way and perhaps the other countries will follow.
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