If I want to get married in China, what should I do?
Jan 4, 2011 11:23
GUESTPATRICE I looking for an idiot's guide on how to get married in China,from the beginning to end!;as i'm reading different stories on how to do important event!
Feb 22, 2011 00:45
GUEST10240 hi, is there anyone here that can explain the requirements needed for marriage of 2 foreigners in china?
Feb 22, 2011 02:57
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It is complex and hard to make marriage for two foreigner in China. If one of the couple is Chinese citizen, it is easy and realizable. If both are come from a same country, it is also possible for them to make marriage registration at the Embassy/Consulate of their home in China. Otherwise, please go to one of the home country to make marriage.
Mar 12, 2011 06:29
GUESTROBERT ... I'm from the UK and wondered is it possible to get the required documents without traveling back to the UK?
Mar 23, 2011 17:39
GUESTAMANDA Do chinese parents have to choose who the children are going to marry? I do not know the answer to my question so i am asking you people the question then you have to answer me if you can.
Mar 23, 2011 21:09

Originally Posted by GUESTAMANDA

Do chinese parents have to choose who the children are going to marry? I do not know the answer to my question so i am asking you people the question then you have to answer me if you can.

No, it's what people did in ancient times, not now.
Mar 28, 2011 15:47
GUEST36122 please inform me about this at|event.horizon
May 29, 2011 21:42
GUEST04114 does that mean i can get married in china having a tourist visa?
Oct 24, 2011 01:40
GUESTMIKE Does China still require The Chinese parents to allow us to get married with a form and a finger print from the Mom and Dad?
Oct 24, 2011 04:12

Originally Posted by GUESTMIKE

Does China still require The Chinese parents to allow us to get married with a form and a finger print from the Mom and Dad?

No written documents are required from the parents. Here is the requirements needed:
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