American Pork is going to be imported into China
Sep 9, 2007 10:01
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Yes DODGER that's true. This is a real problem, European agricultural industry cannot survive without subventions.
A lot of progress to do in this field just like the USA steel. Subvention let our farmers and weak industries survive in Western countries, but their activity is killing a lot of people in Africa for example.
Sep 10, 2007 05:13
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perhaps for once I agree with you on this point.
But how do we create a level playing field?
Sep 10, 2007 15:58
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This is completly impossible I guess, unless we choose to sacrifice the very minoities of our respective country to the survival of the majority of people suffering in developing countries.
There can be another solution, quite difficult to implement: convince them to cultivate something profitable in the future for which they can have a good share of the market (renewable energy such as rapeseeds), fields that are not so developed now in our counties
Sep 11, 2007 06:56
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I was just kidding about French Farmers...but the problem with Africa remains.
The latest report show that more people die.
Perhaps we ( French, English) should have never have left untill we thought that they where ready to controll them selfs.
It is the biggest mess in the World. And the commom poeple still die in their thousands.
I have no answer to this problem.
Sep 11, 2007 12:43
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No but actually you were right: French farmers who just represent 5% of the French population receive an outstanding amount of money from the CAP budget (Common Agricultural Policy). And the PAC budget accounts for 45% of the EU budget. So we really need to find a solution.
Sep 11, 2007 12:43
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Oops Sorry PAC means CAP in French... reflex...
Sep 12, 2007 02:26
GUEST86921 Do not believe that a consumer herre in China will pay anywhere near 40 to 50 yuan for one half kilo of pork
Sep 12, 2007 06:07
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Do not believe that a consumer herre in China will pay anywhere near 40 to 50 yuan for one half kilo of pork

Yes in the cities and of course no in the countryside... It depends on the standard of living.
Sep 13, 2007 02:00
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Yes, it depends on the standard of living. According to the report, the imported pork will mainly be bought by the high grade hotels and restaurants.People in the countryside can not afford to buy it.
Sep 15, 2007 18:02
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Quote DODGER: “my understanding is that US farmers get huge handouts from their tax payers to be able to compete in the World market. Is this correct?"

U.S. [pork] producers receive few subsidies except to make environmental improvements. Historically, there have been few government subsidies to support pork producers in times of low prices. If supplies are low and/or demand is high, prices will be high. If supplies are high and/or demand is low, prices will be low.

Overall, our total Agricultural outlays are actually relatively low compared to other first-world countries. The European Union spends more than $100 billion on farm support payments, while the United States spends $44 billion on a much [larger] agricultural economy. Moreover, the American farmer is the most productive in the world, and overall world-wide food prices are lower due to this productivity.

Now, I am off to the airport today for another visit to the PRC, and will return on Oct. 1st. I miss my Lao Po and my 'real' Cantonese style Chinese cuisine !!! :)
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