Guest can post now!
Sep 10, 2007 22:35
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Dear all,

We are now testing a new function for our online guests. As the Community Moderators, we do hope that more and more people can participate our forum to share ideas and experiences as well as finding helps. So we decided to let the guest post in our forum!

However, for the better management of the forum, we'll limit the rights of guests on posting:
1. Each IP is allowed 5 topics and 10 posts in forum for each single day.
2. Guest could not post more than one topics or replies within one minute.
3. The topics and posts released in the night (Beijing Time GMT +8) will be checked by community moderators before showing on the boards.
4. Guest is not allowed to post any photo nor video in the forum.

Welcome to share your ideas about this new function with us!! We moderators will try our best to deal with every posts as soon as we find it. We also hope that more and more guests can join us for free to post freely in the forum and enjoy our other functions.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation!

Community Moderators
Sep 10, 2007 23:00
  • GRIZ326
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Worth a try. Monitor it closely - there is a lot of malicious activity on forums.
Sep 12, 2007 07:55
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I think that all people should have to post a profile befor being able to post.
I have no problem in telling the forum who I am so nor should they surly/
Sep 13, 2007 07:39
  • JCNILE123
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Dodger, I see it from a point of view where it takes away the perception that some members have, (A VERY FEW) that they can micromanage this site and say what thread are good or bad and ATTEMPT to kill it, based on their choice and liken, using poor non sense arguments of purity and sensibility.
More opinions equals to less micro control by the few, and better threads by the many.

On the other hand, it opens the opportunity to non members to joint us without the obligation to be a member first.
it used to be that you join first and talk later, with this change, they can learn first if been a member is something they want, and so they can join afterward.
Oct 6, 2007 08:59
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3. and 4. are fine. Perhaps would be better to limit guests topics and replys more. Although I have not seen many guests topics that have deserved removing, there always is a danger for worse.

Anyway, I think everyone curious should have access to replys and maybe to start threads, too. If no problems come that way, it only make this forum more rich.

Oct 8, 2007 22:12
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Is it "safe" to respond to a guest posting? What's the benefit of being a "guest" since there is no charge for being a "member?"
Oct 9, 2007 01:22
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No doubt it is safe to reply to a guest posting in this forum. As you can see, the majority of members and guests here are friendly. Most of us gather here to open our hearts to each other and exchange different ideas. Additionally, we community moderators are scrutinizing every post carefully. Any spam post will be deleted once detected. However, we suggest every member or guest in this forum not to leave your personal details or email address to others.

Community Moderators
Nov 9, 2007 21:40
GUEST24215 I am a guest but I have been watching this Forum for more than 2 yrs. Generally and so far, there has been no malicious activities. If there were, they were wel handled by the Moderators. What are the moderators for ? Hehehe !
So, I think it is worthwhile to give guests posting a try - after all, what is the difference between Members and Guests ? Are you sure we are seeing what is shown to us ? Even if it is, so what ?
I read a few articles here commented by members - my god, they are so ignorant (being childish aside) - eg this member from the USA was telling another that the spelling of "jewellery" should be spelt "J-E-W-E-L-R-Y !! What a shame - he did not realise (I hope he does by now) that one is an English spelling & his recommended one "American". A quick reference to his pic/profile had me burst out in disbelief/laughter. Probably this is the first time he has been out of the USA and his thinking mode is still in that country.
So, having a pic/profile can be embarrassing for these members too.
Have fun ;)
Nov 9, 2007 23:31
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Guest24215, I simply couldn't resist replying to your post.

Your post is replete with ironies. Spelling mistakes, poor grammar, boorish tone, (I give examples below) it's no wonder that you choose to remain anonymous even after two years of lurking.

>>Generally and so far, there has been no malicious activities. <<
**have** been

>>If there were, they were wel handled by the Moderators. <<
**well** handled

>... commented by members - my god, they are so ignorant (being childish aside)
Not a very nice thing to say about members.

>>- eg this member from the USA was telling another that the spelling of "jewellery" should be spelt "J-E-W-E-L-R-Y !! <<
be **spelled**

>>What a shame - he did not realise (I hope he does by now) that one is an English spelling & his recommended one "American". <<
Not a very nice thing to say about a member.

>>A quick reference to his pic/profile had me burst out in disbelief/laughter.<<
Not a very nice thing to say about a member.

>>So, having a pic/profile can be embarrassing for these members too.
Have fun ;)<<
Not a very nice thing to say about a member.

Perhaps you should be a bit embarrassed by your post?

Nov 10, 2007 00:57
GUEST24215 I don't think I am embarrassed by what I said.
And spelling and grammatical mistakes are something most of us don't bother much about when scribbling here. This is not an English lesson, so don't try to be so smuck about your "English". If you wish, I dare match you anytime.
Having said the above, you apparently have not grasped the gist of my message. It is not just about spelling, grammar or poor typing. It is about outlook and personality. If you are now challenging my spelling, then it shouldn't surprise or upset you that I brought this case up as an example in the first place.
That you may not like my comments, I can accept that. It was used as an example to illustrate my points. No specific name was mentioned.
And of cos, I expect some comments from members or guests on my comments.
Important note is : Do you agree with the gist of what I said ? ;) Stay focussed pl. :)
Nov 10, 2007 01:05
GUEST24215 And like you, I also think that it is not nice to openly tell another member how a word should be "spelt" - esp in that situation. How come you did/do not take offence at it ?
Btw, "spelt" is again the English spelling. "Spelled" is probably American English. But I won't teach you how it should be "S-P-E-L-T. ;)
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