Chinese girls are the most open minded and boldest in the world?
Feb 13, 2009 00:22
GUESTAMERICAN E well, it's been interesting to read this forum and I am guessing most of you have little experience with women. I am a well travelled person who has had a few encounters with women in many countries. Women are the same everywhere. The problem with Chinese girls is that they are a little bit less tactful of how they approach men. Man up. women are the same everywhere. There are some good ones out there. Most are bad. That's a good thing depending on what you want. you can bash chinese women all you want. I am not a fan of China or chinese girls. Don't get me wrong. economy has a lot to do with it and it's a game of the law of averages. high population = sifting through shit to find a jackpot. the end.
Feb 13, 2009 18:05
GUEST34115 Hey you there..

I read your story and felt it.... Love will find a way for both of you Miss.. Life is not about running away from the storm which is coming, but its about dancing in the rain...

I had a Chinese older than me.. I really like her and respected her but, she wanted a guy who could commit .. anyways it dint work out

But, what I mean by my story is that I know a fair bit about Chinese girls and I think with the mentality which you girls have you will achieve your love...

Best of luck...

Feb 14, 2009 13:51
GUESTFRANC I'm very lucky to have married the most amazing, funny, open-minded chinese girl in the world! There is a huge cultural difference between china and canada, mostly i think chinses tend to live with their parents and respect autority, so most of my chinese adult friends are kinda scare of taking descisions for themselves. But there are exceptions and i love her to death!
Mar 23, 2009 22:02
GUESTLORDD It really depends on a lot of things. Which area the Chinese Girl is from. Chinese are different the world over.

From Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Chengdu?

Each area is completely different, but in general a few points can be said:

1. Chinese women are practical, they want money, and a person that will DO many things for them.

2. Chinese women are pretty controlling, some would say they are not the diminutive flowers as compared to other Asian cultures, but are the tiger waiting to pounce.

3. They are strong willed and can be avid promoters of their culture, (Which means that your culture is not important.)

I would keep these things in minds and remember, many Chinese are successful in Western Countries, but few to Zero foreign people are successful in China(This includes other Asians, Japenese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai). There are many reasons this is true, and one of them is not because Chinese are open minded. Check it out for yourself.
Apr 12, 2009 07:51
GUEST29134 chinese girls are so hot ..! i get crazy just thinking about them. haven't got the chance to travel to china though. you guys have no idea how lucky you are..bastards
May 13, 2009 07:06
GUESTTIM woman are like apples

sweet and juicy on the outside but hard and red on the outside !!!

but in any case

i my self, am an american i married a chinese girl

we both bought a home here in anhui,hefei and been together for 3 years

good,bad,bitter times of course like all relationship's how ever as love proves we always work things out

and on that note:

the first time we met

these were the question's i asked her you like america? or would like to live there?
2. do you care if i haven't the money as most chinese believe all foreigners have..esp. shanghai <-- curse them lol

3. would you care how much i make/earn in the future

4.would you care if i choose to stay in china for life

her answer was NO!



is from another country as i call them BUGS!


May 17, 2009 07:26
Sorry, that's like saying all women are the same, and we all know
that's not true. While being from another culture might make a
difference, women are still women.
Jul 4, 2009 00:25
GUESTBEEN2CHINA Not really. Chinese women are the most complex of all.

I was married to one and let me tell you something special.

SunTze's Art of War is at the center of many of them.

Here is a good one.
Hide a Knife Behind a Smile.

Borrow from an Ally to defeat a common foe, then use the resources you borrow to kill your ally.

Leaders who lead using money, or sex instead of true loyalty can easily be defeated by the highest bidder, or by sending a beautiful women to break their ranks.

Believe it or not if you are at all considering a Chinese anything, you must really pay attention to SunTze...He is a game they really love to play with each other. Play well you can live, if not, then run.
Jul 5, 2009 16:27
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Hopefully that any woman or man "would not" make it a priority to be at constant battle. Chinese women "Are Not" the most complex of them all. ALL WOMEN ARE COMPLEX IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, just as men. Women can not understand men and vice versa. Travel the world and you will see more. GuestBee when you say that,"The Art of War" is the center of a Chinese womans life, are you saying that all they live for is controversy?? Enforcer said it right. Women are not the same and are wired differently then men but each woman to another woman characteristically do differ from one another. Lets not single out women to be war mongers or to "nit pick" at everything one person says. Some do enjoy it though out of shear boredom, or because they have an "Axe to Grind". MEN ARE LIKE THIS TOO and both are guilty of this art. War is a game with no clear winners no matter who plays. Life is too short for competition. Enjoy the one you are with!! .........One question though,, "What is the purpose of this Art of War within oneself?? LB
Jul 5, 2009 17:56
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''Hide a Knife Behind a Smile''

The parallel word is 'a needle hidden in cotton'. The wording is not for women but a summary derived from a long history of bloody internal strife. Psychologically we set up high walls individually among ourselve. That explains the uniqie phenomeon overseas: Chinese is opt for working with non-Chinese and working under non-Chinese.
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