Chinese girls are the most open minded and boldest in the world?
Jul 6, 2009 06:07
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Wuyuetan, Thank you for the answer to my question. I will never claim to know everything but will be ever learning. Thanx again LB
Aug 10, 2009 23:07
GUEST80230 Interesting though to see so many different ideas and judgements on Chinese girls.

It helps we Chinese girls to understand ourselves better and make improvement.

good or bad, I accept that.
Aug 11, 2009 02:36
  • ANGIE88
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These words some are truths.Chinese girls have their shortcoming also to have the superiority.Its same as other nationalities' females.
I think everyone need know what they really want clearly, realizes it, and adheres to own promise, this is most important.
Love is more easier than life,especially marriage life.

PS: I am a chinese girl haha~~
Aug 30, 2009 04:01
GUEST13095 This is a sensitive topic , and i believe more and more people tend to say that we are live in the same age same planet, so people are all the same , culture just one part of life makes people different from each other, but most of the element we share , and a lot of things we can communicate, also human have a lot in common. so guys no matter where are you from , good luck!
Sep 13, 2009 00:23
GUEST25130 i want reply to GUEST94211

i m mooccan man, i had the same problem like u

now i have a chinesse wife

i have solution for u, contact me ,|elmmk2004
Nov 4, 2009 19:13
GUEST19125 yes when she gets back to america he isnt as rich as he was in china he only owns his own 3 or 4 bedroom house and he has atleast one if not 2 cars and her life and the life of her child have improved greatly with many more oppotunities
Dec 9, 2009 20:34
GUEST78161 In fact, most chinese girls are shy and sincere. China is the world's most populous country, if there are one percent girls like to spend men's money, there is a big number. If you think all the chinese girls are the same, 99% girls will fell so sad, it is unfair. About those girls who are utilitarian, you can imagine the pressure in china, so some girls who don not have ablity to support herselves think about their future is forgivable.
Dec 10, 2009 01:05
  • TINAB610
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I just have one experince to share with all of you. I once thought I didn't like people from X province in China, but actually I only knew one person from this place and I didn't like him. I knew there were many many people in X and I also knew their personality and chacacters were totally different, MOST (or even ALL) of them were different with the person whom I didn't like!

In fact, we human-being often judge someone by the limited things we know about them, or just by someone who is similar to them.. and mostly, we are wong..

Dec 11, 2009 02:30
  • STONE9
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sonds you know chinese women or girls very much
Jan 17, 2010 20:45
GUEST98102 thats true lion p-ower . i think i know you. im from guildford
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