Five common traits of Chinese in a foreigner's eyes
Oct 9, 2010 22:21
GUEST37132 It is very difficult to make a list since people's opinions are tainted by their own pre-conceived ideas and beliefs. We can't even agree on things pertaining to our own country. Just put a conservative in front of a liberal and see if they agree on the current status of American society. Now, does anyone really believe a Westener can accurately describe what the Chinese people are really like?
Feb 21, 2011 20:48
GUEST64236 I'll have to mostly agree with the 5 triats much to other ppl's surprise, it might sound surprising but i think it takes a chinese person or close to a chinese person to know these traits(or someone who spends alot fo time with chinese people).

1) IDK if its like a greatly known chinese trait but it is a chinese trait nontheless, my parents always read the newpapers(I know almost everyone else does but like i said you have to be chinese to understand the whole thing and dig deeper) and I know like a bunch of relatives and friends who do too and watch the news all day and one in perticular talks about news all day if you try to have a convo with him.

2) Also much to people's surprise this is also true and in my experience more true than the first trait. My dad in perticular is a very stubborn and very much a abusive person. I have been through alot in my chinese family and since i come from one of the less "enjoyable" chinese families i say this is pretty much true. I know this sounds like me saying this based on my own life but 1 chinese family's life is basically the same compared to others just in matter of how extreme it is, mine is one of the more extreme examples. My dad and I always argue no matter what and he is the most stubborn person I know, even when he know's he is wrong he will try to avoid amitting it and never has to me once, since im a teen that lives in the us i been influence by the american way and has for the most part amit my wrongs(I also have slight depression which is why i always blame things on myself). Not just my dad but alot of chinese people have pride and dignity so alot will not as likely to amit there wrongs as other people will, just that my dad is more extreme in terms of dignity. This also seems like a universal thing which if you think about it almost every trait is universal trait but what differs areas with different traits is percentage of people with that and for the most part a great number of chinese people through my experiences have some degree of this trait.

3) This trait is probably one of the "iffy" traits as where i dont really have any proof or any background experience or knowledge to back me up but for me personally i do tend to do that alot in school work or in anything in general, its something i feel grew stronger as i grew up and now tends to be a really bad habit of mine. This could just be me so im not 100% sure its ALL/most chinese people's trait.

Feb 21, 2011 20:50
GUEST64236 Sorry for this second part, as i was busy typing away what i had ot say i didnt notice that there was a character limit and before i knew it i have already ran out of room, so this is the second part of what i typed.

4) Ok, this trait of valueing friendship is most certainly true, my dad who i said before is not a very good dad in my opinion values his friendship very high, probably higher than he values his family i my opinion. The same goes for me though i do value family a little more i value friendshipp really high especially if i have really great friends that are kind and hopitable towards me. If you think about other countries like the US(just because its a country that is talked alot about)alot of teens now a days are still valueing friendship high but not as high as chinese,i who live in the US see this clearly everyday, these so call "friends" now a days make fun of each other to gain popularity and i feel like they seem to use each other more than anything. Sure this may only be true to teens now a days in this generation but from what i seen in adults still doesnt compare to chinese friendship. It may sound like i favor chinese people more but this is just what i see im not leening in anyway at all. Just that when my family goes to chinatown every other week or so we always go to restuarant out late and we always meet my dad's old friends and they sit and talk and drink for hours till like 11pm about almost nothing really, and that is seen everytime we go there with other people in the restuarant too, chinese people are close in family and friends for the most part. They hang out and have a good time everytime they have the chance. Now this is mostly true even in chinese people who tends to be trouble makers. Thought in family matters this might not always be true as chinese families are very strictcompare to other families in other countries and in my case mine is very strict and not fun to be in, but despite that my dad treats and values his friends very high.

5) Finally, this last trait is very closely related to the second trait of pride especially since china is becoming one of those powerful countries and alot of chinese people are having strong national pride in that. I can't say for certain this is true but majority of chinese people i seen does have high competivity including myself and hate losing at that so this is somewhat true but not a certain.

As you may notive i added alot of personal feelings and emotions in my explanations which i try not to do especially adding in too much of my own life, that i only try to do as examples. But these explanations i feel are mostly facts and i only added some personal opinions that did not affect my explanations of why the traits are true.
Aug 29, 2011 18:37
GUEST24166 i think point no 2 is the most true one

my room mate is chinese and never accepts her mistakes even if she lied to my neighbor pretending to be my sister. she has the guts to ignore us and not say sorry for what she did.
May 17, 2012 21:13
GUEST26212 "No.2 Highlight the "face"
Chinese attaches much importance to "the face" or respectability. The Chinese never want to lose faces. So it is rare to see that Chinese people are wiling to admit their mistakes.

This is something that isnt that big of a trait for chinese people nowadays, but it can certainly be seen in some more elderly chinese people. In china, "the face" is probably to most importante to them. My dad is like this, and its probably why he's always had messed up relationships. but chinese people definitely do care VERY much about "the face". i know this because my family is chinese and i lived in china for 4 was the most dreadful 4 years of my life
Sep 24, 2012 20:19
GUESTLOLL This is SOOOO TRUEE especially the forth pt. Thats why there are serious corruption in China
Nov 14, 2012 23:36
GUEST74252 I'd like to add about friendship. Chinese use people for their own purposes. They will never be friends with someone who is below his status. they are friends with the necessary people only for their own benefit
Jun 11, 2013 02:09
GUEST22205 My new partner is a young Chinese (under 30). My name is Neil. Never considered Chinese for a partner in the past, just never a fancy. But, hey, I've been caught hook, line and sinker. I'll tell you my take on first hand knowledge of romance, friendship, traits of Chinese people in general. Of course every country has good eggs and bad eggs, so don't slate me for my opinion. After all, it is in general terms.

Common words in our conversation set the tone for me, as to the direction of future and sharing between partner, and friends: passion, romance, no God, good leaders, our future, love, cute, fashion, others wants, others needs, comparing wants and needs, putting other peoples thoughts first, collective, together, forever, ''first, last and only'', humble, I try, maybe you can say?, fallable, strive for perfection, know I am not perfect, not intelligent (when obvioulsy a diploma student etc), happy, darling, love, dream, I'm sorry for not living to your expectation, what is my punishment?, ashamed, humility, you are perfect for me, care, protection, beauty in nature, I'm not good, respect, dignity, don't talk too much, don't wear out the words 'i love you' as they may become grey and lost, BIG, dependable.....

Doesn't it paint a picture? Completely sweet and so not European or American! If you could live a dream for a day, and just have a non-political, non-judgemental (except for oneself), caring and sharing day, a dinner, with someone you love or someone as a friend who will put your opinion first (unless your being obtuse). You would do so much worse if you didn't pick a Chinese person and went European.

I'm generalising from my experiences. Of course all nations have wars, human rights issues, and grief in some form. We are all different, and that is what should help us understand and love each culture.
Apr 2, 2014 04:57
GUEST18138 Yeah chinese are very ambitious because they keep claiming territory that they thought that their own. tsk tsk... VERY AMBITIOUS...
Apr 27, 2014 03:08
GUEST75241 I am chinese and I feel offended by this post. I found it surprising to even find this here. Who one earth would write something like this???

No.2 Highlight the "face"
Chinese attaches much importance to "the face" or respectability. The Chinese never want to lose faces. So it is rare to see that Chinese people are wiling to admit their mistakes.

(2. This is a very stereotypical comment. It is about ancient chinese values. Why are you trying to put us into a stereotype???)

No.3 ack the sense of punctuality
Chinese people are usually late either in an appointment, even the public buses are often late.

(3. I am always early..I can't say for everybody in China. But you can't just say that the people who are early are late. Plus public buses can be late because of traffic. Did you think about that?

No.4 Value Friendship
Chinese people give high inportance to friendship. Sometimes, frienship is put above the "law and regulations".

(Doesn't everybody value friendship?)

I can't be bothered to talk about the complicated things about 1 and 5. The author of this should think again before posting things.
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